Picture: Christian Schiller with Kai Schaetzel in Nierstein. See: A New Fixture in the Reemerging Red Slope of Nierstein - Visiting Kai Schaetzel and his Weingut Schaetzel in Nierstein, Rheinhessen, Germany
Marcus Hofschuster is Editor-in-Chief and Lead Taster of Wein-Plus, a leading European on-line wine guide, based in Germany. Marcus Hofschuster is the man behind the reputation that Wein-Plus has gained over the past 2 decades. All wines are tasted blind. Marcus Hofschuster uses the 100 points scale.
From time to time, Marcus Hofschuster summarizes his tasting results in a "BEST OF" list. This time, he published a list of Collections and Discoveries of the Year 2017.
Picture: "Sam" Hofschuster (Wein-Plus). See also: BEST OF Deutscher Riesling Trocken 2015 (Markus Hofschuster, Wein-Plus)
Collection of the Year: Weingut Kreuzberg
Markus Hofschuster: Wer bei Kreuzberg nur auf die Spitzenweine achtet, verpasst etwas. Denn schon an der Basis sind die roten Burgunder hier stets bemerkenswert, manchmal sogar schon außergewöhnlich gut. Hier kann man blind kaufen, man wird kaum je eine Enttäuschung erleben.
My translation: If you only pay attention to the top wines at Kreuzberg, you miss something. Because already at the entry-wine level, the red Burgundies are always remarkable, sometimes even exceptionally good. Here you can buy blindly, you will hardly ever experience a disappointment.
Pictures: Tasting at Weingut H.J. Kreuzberg in Dernau, Ahr, with Ludwig Kreuzberg and Frank Josten – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours 2016
Collection of the Year: Dr. Heger
Markus Hofschuaster: Das Weingut Dr. Heger hat sich in den letzten Jahren noch einmal merklich gesteigert. Spätburgunder und Chardonnay gehören zum absolut Besten, was man im Land finden kann, Weiß- und Grauburgunder sind durchweg exzellent und auch bei Riesling oder Muskateller muss man Heger sehr ernst nehmen. Eine makellose Vorstellung.
My translation: Weingut Dr. Heger has improved considerably in the last years. Spätburgunder and Chardonnay belong to the absolutely best, which can be found in the country, Weissburgunder and Grauburgunder are all excellent, and also with Riesling or Muscateller you have to take Heger very seriously. An immaculate performance.
Pictures: Tasting and Weingut Dr. Heger and Christian Schiller and Joachim Heger. See: Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Dr. Heger in Ihringen, Kaiserstuhl, Baden – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Discovery of the Year: Sven Nieger
Markus Hofschuster: Sven Niegers Rieslinge dürften in ihrer absolut kompromisslosen, herben, manchmal auch wilden, dabei immer fast völlig fruchtlosen Art ziemlich polarisieren. Wer geradlinigen, fruchtbetonten Riesling schätzt, wie er in Deutschland überall zu finden ist, wird wohl eher abgeschreckt. Die Vorbilder sind hier klar französischen Ursprungs, die Weine komplex und anspruchsvoll. Man muss sich Zeit für sie nehmen.
My translation: Sven Nieger's Rieslings are quite polarizing in their absolutely uncompromising, torn, sometimes wild, but almost completely fruitless style. Anyone who appreciates straightforward, fruit-driven Riesling, as can be found everywhere in Germany, will likely be deterred by his wines. The model is clearly French, the wines complex and demanding. You have to take your time to fully appreciate the wines.
Picture: Sven Niger at 9. K&M Gutsweine Hausmesse, Frankfurt, Germany. Runner-up in the Falstaff Newcomer of the Year 2015 Competition. See: Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2015
Collection of the Year: Weingut Hans Wirsching
Markus Hofschuster: Wirsching ist schon sehr lange ein Flaggschiff des fränkischen Weinbaus, aber unter dem neuen Kellermeister Dr. Klaus-Peter Heigl scheinen die Weine noch einmal an Finesse gewonnen zu haben. Selbst die Einstiegsweine haben hier schon eine gewisse Klasse. In der Spitze kommt man an Wirsching ohnehin nicht vorbei.
My translation: For a very long time, Wirsching has been a flagship of the Franconian wine industry, but under the new cellar master Dr. Klaus-Peter Heigl, the wines seem to have once again gained in finesse. Even the entry-level wines already have a certain class. In the top one can not be better than Wirsching anyway.
Picture: Andrea Wirsching of Weingut Hans Wirsching, Iphofen with Annette Schiller and Chriistian Schiller. See: 2016 VDP Trade Fair Weinbörse - Vintage 2015 - in Mainz: Schiller’s Report
Pictures: At Weingut Wirsching with General Manager Dr. Uwe Matheus. See: Tour and Tasting at Weingut Wirsching in Iphofen in Franken with General Manager Uwe Matheus – Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Discovery of the Year: Ökologischer Weinbau Krämer
Markus Hofschuster: Hermann und Stephan Krämer produzieren Weine weit abseits des Mainstreams: herb, charakterstark und eigenwillig. Alles Bio und mit möglichst wenig Schwefel, dafür reichlich Griff und Biss. Das mag nicht jedem schmecken, aber nach besseren Silvanern oder Müller-Thurgau muss man lange suchen.
My translation: Hermann and Stephan Krämer produce wines far away from the mainstream: tart, characteristic and individual. All organic and with as little sulfur as possible, but plenty of bite. Not everyone may like these wines, but you have to look a long time for better Silvaner or Müller-Thurgau wines.
Collection of the Year: Fritz Haag
Ob trocken, süß oder edelsüß: Haags Rieslinge sind heuer überall ganz vorne dran. Eine umwerfende Kollektion brillanter Spitzenrieslinge, wie sie auch an der Mosel in dieser Bandbreite sehr, sehr selten anzutreffen ist.
My translation: Whether dry, fruity sweet or noble elegant, Haag's Rieslings are top this year. A stunning collection of brilliant top Rieslings, with such a broad range rare to find in the Mosel Region.
Picture: Christian G.E. Schiller and German Winemaker Oliver Haag, Weingut Fritz Haag, in Seattle. See: The German Winemakers at the 4th Riesling Rendezvous in Seattle, USA
Discovery of the Year: Lubentiushof
Andreas Barth produziert auf seinem eigenen Weingut (er ist zudem Kellermeister bei von Othegraven) ganz und gar eigenständige, ausgesprochen charaktervolle, überwiegend trockene Rieslinge, die inzwischen zum besten gehören, was man an der Mosel finden kann.
My translation: Andreas Barth produces at his own winery (he is also t he winemaker at Othegraven) very distinct, very characteristic, predominantly dry Rieslings, which are now among the best that can be found on the Mosel Region.
Collection of the Year: Wageck-Pfaffmann
Thomas Pfaffmann hat die Wageck-Linie des Hauses in den letzten Jahren Zug um Zug näher an die Gebietsspitze herangebracht. Die fast durchweg herben, oft jung noch deutlich hefegeprägten und etwas unzugänglichen Weine entwickeln sich eher langsam, lohnen aber das Vertrauen, dass man in sie setzt, durch Tiefe, Charakter und Eleganz. Heute beherrschen nur wenige Betriebe in der Pfalz die ganze Bandbreite vom Riesling über rote und weiße Burgundersorten bis hin zum Sekt auf gleichbleibend so hohem Niveau.
My translation: Thomas Pfaffmann has pushedn the Wageck line of his wines closer to the top level of the Pfalz Region. The distinctly yeasty and slightly inaccessible wines when they are young develop rather slowly. But it is worth to wait and you will be rewarded by depth, character and elegance. Today, only a few wineries in the Pfalz region are able to produce such a broad range from Riesling to red and white Burgundian varieties and to sparkling wine at such a consistently high level.
Discovery of the Year: Oliver Zeter
Markus Hofschuster: Oliver Zeter wird man im Auge behalten müssen. Schon dass er Viognier produziert, für den man auch an der Rhone Lorbeeren bekäme, ist mehr als nur bemerkenswert. Aber auch sonst merkt man seinen Weinen an, dass sich Zeter gern in Richtung unseres Nachbarlandes orientiert. Mit Erfolg: Sauvignon, Riesling, Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc, aber auch weiße Cuvées sind immer wieder ausgezeichnet.
My translation: Oliver Zeter will need to be watched. The fact that he produces Viognier, which is also a laureate on the Rhone, is more than just remarkable. But also elsewhere you note that Zeter is moving towards our neighbor country. With success: Sauvignon, Riesling, Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc, but also white cuvées are always excellent.
Collection of the Year: Balthasar Ress
Markus Hofschuster: Die Entwicklung, die das Weingut unter Christian Ress und Betriebsleiter Dirk Würtz innerhalb nur weniger Jahre genommen hat, ist mehr als erstaunlich. Heute ist der große Betrieb eines der Flaggschiffe der Region, seine Rieslinge und Burgunder gehören zu den absolut besten im Land. Auch in Sachen Orange hat das Gut die Nase weit vorn. Und niemand sollte erwarten, dass man sich hier auf den Erfolgen ausruht.
My translation: The progress that the winery has made within a few years under the direction of Owner Christian Ress and Operations Manager Dirk Würtz, is more than amazing. Today, the large winery is one of the flagships of the region, its Rieslings and Burgundians are among the absolutely best in the country. Also in terms of orange wine, the winery is ahead of everybody else. And nobody should expect this development to stop now and to rest with what has been achieved.
Picture: Dirk Würz, Weingut Balthasar Ress, Technical Director, in the Cellar. See: At Weingut Balthasar Ress in Hattenheim, Rheingau, during the 2015 Harvest with Winemaker Dirk Würtz, Germany
Pictures: Annette Schiller, Christian Ress and Gunther Jauch. See: A Riesling Feast in an Historic Setting: Riesling Gala 2016 at Kloster Eberbach in the Rheingau, Germany
Pictures: Annette Schiller, Christian Schiller and Stefan Ress in the wineBank in Hattenheim in 2013 during the: German Wine and Culture Tour by ombiasy, 2013. See: Tasting at Weingut Balthasar Ress, Hattenheim, Rheingau, with Stefan Ress, Germany
Discovery of the Year: Bibo & Runge
Walter Bibo war lange Zeit Direktor von Schloss Reinhartshausen, besvor er beschloss, zusammen mit Kai Runge noch einmal ganz von vorne anzufangen. Das Projekt besteht erst seit 2013 und hat noch nicht einmal eigene Weinberge, aber einen eigenen Weinstil gibt es bereits: ernsthaft, griffig, komplex und eher mineralisch als fruchtig. Der Rheingau ist längst nicht mehr so verschlafen, wie ihm nachgesagt wird. Und Bibo & Runge haben gar keinen so kleinen Anteil daran.
My translation: Walter Bibo was for a long time the Director of Schloss Reinhartshausen, before he decided to start with Kai Runge all over again. The project has existed since 2013 and does not even have its own vineyards, but its own wine style already exists: serious, tangible, complex and more mineral than fruity. The Rheingau is no longer as sleepy as some of its critics claim. And Bibo & amp; Runge have no small in this achievement.
Collection of the Year: Weingut Schätzel
Kai Schätzel ist zweifelsohne eine Bereicherung für die Rheinfront. Dabei sind seine ziemlich kühl wirkenden, jung betont hefigen und oft zunächst eher unruhigen, häufig ausgesprochen alkoholarmen Weine eher ungewöhnlich für den roten Hang. Doch man darf hier Leichtigkeit nicht mit Substanzarmut verwechseln: die Rieslinge und Silvaner des Hauses sind durchweg komplex, fest und ausdrucksstark.
My translation: Kai Schätzel is without doubt an enrichment for the Rhine front, although his fairly cool, initially very yeasty and often restless, often extremely low-alcohol wines are rather unusual for the red slope. However, one should not confuse lighness with lack of substance: the Rieslings and Silvaner are consistently complex, firm and expressive.
Pictures: Kai Schaetzel in the Wine Cellar
Pictures: Lunch cum Tasting with Nanne Schätzel, see: Tour, Tasting, and Lunch at Weingut Schätzel in Nierstein, Rheinhessen – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Discovery of the Year: Weingut Bischel
Markus Hofschuster: Christian und Matthias Runkel gehören zu einer neuen Generation Rheinhessischer Spitzenwinzer, von denen wir noch viel hören werden. Schon heute zählen Silvaner oder Sauvignon zur Gebietsspitze, mit den Burgundersorten (rot wie weiß) und Riesling ist man nahe dran. Betrachtet man die Entwicklung der letzten Jahre, fällt der Verdacht nicht schwer, dass es hier noch weiter aufwärts gehen wird.
My translation: Christian and Matthias Runkel belong to a new generation of leading Rhinehessen winemakers; we will hear a lot of them. Already today the Silvaner and Sauvignon wines of Weingut Bischel belong to the best in the region, with the Burdundy varieties (red and white) and Riesling close to the top wines. Lookinghe past few years, indications are that the trend will continue to be upwards.
Collection of the Year: Weingut Gerhard Aldinger
Markus Hofschuster: Gert Aldinger führt heute zusammen mit seinen Söhnen Hans-Jörg und Matthias einen ziemlich kompletten Betrieb mit Weinen aus einer großen Bandbreite an Rebsorten, von denen sie alle zu beherrschen scheinen. Das gleiche gilt für verschiedene Ausbaustile, wie der grandiose Sauvignon “Ovum” oder auch der völlig kompromisslose Trollinger “sine” beweisen. Eine Überraschung haben wir dieses Jahr bei allen Gewissheiten dennoch erlebt: eine Reihe Edelsüßer, wie man sie in dieser Klasse im Gebiet nicht oft finden kann.
My translation: Gert Aldinger, together with his sons Hans-Jörg and Matthias, produces a portfolio with a rather broad selection of grape varities and all of them are top. The same is true for a number of special wines such as the outstanding Sauvignon "Ovum" or the completely uncompromising Trollinger "sine". One surprise that we experienced this year was a series of noble sweet wines, which in this region can not be found often at this level.
Pictures: Matthias Aldinger, Weingut Aldinger with Gert Aldinger and Karl Eugen Erbgraf zu Neipperg, Weingut Des Grafen Neipperg. Matthias and his brother Hansjörg Aldinger are the 2017 Falstaff Newcomers of the Year. See: Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2017
Discovery of the Year: Weingut Knauß
Markus Hofschuaster: Ein Weingut, dass man im Auge behalten sollte. Nicht nur die inzwischen erstaunlich eleganten und feinen Rotweine, verdienen Aufmerksamkeit, auch die Weißen besitzen immer wieder Klasse - und das bei Burgundersorten, Sauvignon und Rieslingen gleichermaßen. Nicht zu vergessen den herrlichen, knochentrockenen Schwarzriesling-Sekt!
My translation: A winery that one should keep an eye on. Not only the meanwhile surprisingly elegant and fine red wines deserve attention, but also the whites show class again and again - and that with Burgundy varieties, Sauvignons and Rieslings alike. Not to forget the delicious, bone-dry Schwarzriesling Sekt!
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Celebrating Riesling and my Birthday at Weingut Schaetzel in Nierstein, Rheinhessen, Germany
A New Fixture in the Reemerging Red Slope of Nierstein - Visiting Kai Schaetzel and his Weingut Schaetzel in Nierstein, Rheinhessen, Germany
Rheinhessen Cru Wines (Lagenweine) 2014 Tasting in Mainz, Germany
Tour, Tasting, and Lunch at Weingut Schätzel in Nierstein, Rheinhessen – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
BEST OF Deutscher Riesling Trocken 2015 (Markus Hofschuster, Wein-Plus)
Tasting at Weingut H.J. Kreuzberg in Dernau, Ahr, with Ludwig Kreuzberg and Frank Josten – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours 2016
Tasting and Weingut Dr. Heger and Christian Schiller and Joachim Heger. See: Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Dr. Heger in Ihringen, Kaiserstuhl, Baden – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2015
2016 VDP Trade Fair Weinbörse - Vintage 2015 - in Mainz: Schiller’s Report
Tour and Tasting at Weingut Wirsching in Iphofen in Franken with General Manager Uwe Matheus – Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
The German Winemakers at the 4th Riesling Rendezvous in Seattle, USA
At Weingut Balthasar Ress in Hattenheim, Rheingau, during the 2015 Harvest with Winemaker Dirk Würtz, Germany
A Riesling Feast in an Historic Setting: Riesling Gala 2016 at Kloster Eberbach in the Rheingau, Germany
Tasting at Weingut Balthasar Ress, Hattenheim, Rheingau, with Stefan Ress, Germany
Best German Winemakers - Falstaff Deutschland Wine Trophies 2017
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Friday, May 26, 2017
Zur Golden Kron: Star Sommelier Pit Punda's and Star Chef Alfred Friedrich's new Edelwirtshaus/ new Noble Inn in Frankfurt, Germany
Pictures: Pit Punda and Alfred Friedrich at their Edelwirtshaus/ Noble Inn Zur Golden Kron in Frankfurt, Germany
In Frankfurt, Germany, Annette and I are members of a small group of wine and food lovers that meets about once a month for a wine dinner in a Frankfurt restaurant. One of our favorites is SchauMahl in Offenbach. The innovative cooking of Chef Björn Andreas is one of the reasons why we love this restaurant so much; Chef Björn Andreas has 16 toques in the Gault Millau Guide. The other reason is the excellent wine list and the very knowledgable and charming Sommelier/ Service Team Pit Punda and Esra Egner.
Last year, Pit Punda announced that after many years at SchauMahl he was leaving to team up with Chef Alfred Friedrich who can look back to an impressive series of Michelin stars earned in some of Germany's best restaurants. Pit Punda and Alfred Friedrich worked togather at Frankfurt's Zarges Restaurant. There new restaurant is the Zur Golden Kron in Eschersheim, a Frankfurt subburb.
Obviously, our Frankfurt wine dinner group was eager to go there for dinner as soon as possible . We met there for dinner a few days ago during the soft opening period.
On May 22, 2017, Zur Golden Kron opened officially. However, initially, during the summer months, only the Courtyard Garden Restaurant is open. The inside rooms are still being worked on.
Pictures: Edelwirtshaus/ Noble Inn Zur Golden Kron In Frankfurt, Germany
Alfred Friedrich
Alfred Friedrich is a top gun in the German restaurant scene. He was for 3 years Souschef at Eckart Witzigmann's Aubergine (3 stars Michelin) in Munich. He also worked with Jörg Müller (3 stars Michelin) on the island of Sylt. In 1991, he became Executive Chef at the Brückenkeller im Frankfurt (2 stars Michelin). In 1996 he opened his own restaurant Humperdinck in Frankfurt and earned 1 Michelin star. From 1999 to 2004 he was the Executive Chef at the Restaurant Marcobrunn (Hotel Schloss Reinhartshausen) in Eltville, Rheingau. After that he was the Chef de Cuisine at Heinz Winkler's Residenz in Aschau (3 stars Michelin). From 2009 to 2014 he was the Executive Chef at the Tigerpalast in Frankfurt and pushed the restaurant from 1 to 2 stars Michelin. In the past 3 years, he was the Executive Chef at Lafleur (2 stars Michelin) in Frankfurt and the 1718 Bistro in the Ketschauer Hof in Deidesheim.
Picture: Superstar Chef Alfred Friedrich at Zur Golden Kron in Frankfurt, Germany
Pit Punda
Host Pit Punda is well known in the Frankfurt gastro scene from his days at Emma Metzler, Cyrano and Zarges. Most recently he was the General Manager and Head Sommelier at our beloved SchauMahl in Offenbach (Frankfurt). I also still remember the corner bistro Cyrano, which he run with Chef Milan Seidenfaden. I was a regular there during the 6 years it existed.
Pictures: Pit Punda at SchauMahl
Zur Golden Kron in Eschersheim
Zur Golden Kron is an historic half-timbered house. Records indicate that already in the 13. century there were horse stables in the building and probably an inn. Traders stopped here on the way to Frankfurt. Pit Punda and Alfred Friedrich want to do more research building as to the history of this building once they have finished all renovations.
Edelwirtshaus/ Noble Inn - Hochwertige Gasthausküche/ High Quality Inn Cooking
Pit Punda and Alfred Friedrich do not have the intention to add another Michelin star to Alfred's most impressive CV. They have someting else in mind: High quality inn cooking.This represents a radical cut with the past for Alfred Friedrich and a rare opportunity for his guests, because it is still the genius Alfred Friedrich in the kitchen, but now cooking at a less sophisticated and more affordable level in a very relaxed atmosphere.
Applewine, Beer, Wine
Accordingly, the focus is also on applewine, the traditional drink in Frankfurt, and beer, in addition to wine. The focus of the wine list is not on ultra-premium wines for Euro 100 plus and big names like Dönnhoff, Robert Weil and J.J. Prüm, but more on the Gutswein level for less than Euro 30 of young, up-and-coming winemakers. For example, I started with glass of Rose made by Simone Adams an up-and-coming winemaker in Ingelheim. The House Applewine is from Kelterei Stier.
Pictures: Wine, Applewine, Sekt (Andres & Mugler, Chardonnay, Auxerois, 2013, Brut)
Picture: Backhuhnsalat vom Rhönhof Hofbieber Freilandgeflügel mit Rahmgurken und frittierten Petersilie (Euro 16)
Picture: Panna Cotta von Frankfurter Kräutern mit Spargelsalat und gebratenen Wildwassergarnelen (Euro 17)
Picture: Salat vom Zander mit gepökelter Kalbszunge, Radieschen und Daikon Kresse (Euro 18)
Picture: Taunus Saibling auf Fenchelholz mit wilder Broccoli und Kartoffeln von der L'ile de Noirmontier (Euro 25)
Picture: Rinderrücken mit geschmorter Schaufelbug mit Sellerie und Kartoffelravioli (Euro 28)
Picture: Apfelstrudel in Glas. Vanille Panna Cotta, Apfelragout mit karamelisierten Strudelblättern (Euro 11)
Picture: Topfenknödel mit Erdbeer-Rhabarberragout und Erdbeer-Frozen Joghurt (Euro 12)
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In Frankfurt, Germany, Annette and I are members of a small group of wine and food lovers that meets about once a month for a wine dinner in a Frankfurt restaurant. One of our favorites is SchauMahl in Offenbach. The innovative cooking of Chef Björn Andreas is one of the reasons why we love this restaurant so much; Chef Björn Andreas has 16 toques in the Gault Millau Guide. The other reason is the excellent wine list and the very knowledgable and charming Sommelier/ Service Team Pit Punda and Esra Egner.
Last year, Pit Punda announced that after many years at SchauMahl he was leaving to team up with Chef Alfred Friedrich who can look back to an impressive series of Michelin stars earned in some of Germany's best restaurants. Pit Punda and Alfred Friedrich worked togather at Frankfurt's Zarges Restaurant. There new restaurant is the Zur Golden Kron in Eschersheim, a Frankfurt subburb.
Obviously, our Frankfurt wine dinner group was eager to go there for dinner as soon as possible . We met there for dinner a few days ago during the soft opening period.
On May 22, 2017, Zur Golden Kron opened officially. However, initially, during the summer months, only the Courtyard Garden Restaurant is open. The inside rooms are still being worked on.
Pictures: Edelwirtshaus/ Noble Inn Zur Golden Kron In Frankfurt, Germany
Alfred Friedrich
Alfred Friedrich is a top gun in the German restaurant scene. He was for 3 years Souschef at Eckart Witzigmann's Aubergine (3 stars Michelin) in Munich. He also worked with Jörg Müller (3 stars Michelin) on the island of Sylt. In 1991, he became Executive Chef at the Brückenkeller im Frankfurt (2 stars Michelin). In 1996 he opened his own restaurant Humperdinck in Frankfurt and earned 1 Michelin star. From 1999 to 2004 he was the Executive Chef at the Restaurant Marcobrunn (Hotel Schloss Reinhartshausen) in Eltville, Rheingau. After that he was the Chef de Cuisine at Heinz Winkler's Residenz in Aschau (3 stars Michelin). From 2009 to 2014 he was the Executive Chef at the Tigerpalast in Frankfurt and pushed the restaurant from 1 to 2 stars Michelin. In the past 3 years, he was the Executive Chef at Lafleur (2 stars Michelin) in Frankfurt and the 1718 Bistro in the Ketschauer Hof in Deidesheim.
Picture: Superstar Chef Alfred Friedrich at Zur Golden Kron in Frankfurt, Germany
Pit Punda
Host Pit Punda is well known in the Frankfurt gastro scene from his days at Emma Metzler, Cyrano and Zarges. Most recently he was the General Manager and Head Sommelier at our beloved SchauMahl in Offenbach (Frankfurt). I also still remember the corner bistro Cyrano, which he run with Chef Milan Seidenfaden. I was a regular there during the 6 years it existed.
Pictures: Pit Punda at SchauMahl
Zur Golden Kron in Eschersheim
Zur Golden Kron is an historic half-timbered house. Records indicate that already in the 13. century there were horse stables in the building and probably an inn. Traders stopped here on the way to Frankfurt. Pit Punda and Alfred Friedrich want to do more research building as to the history of this building once they have finished all renovations.
Edelwirtshaus/ Noble Inn - Hochwertige Gasthausküche/ High Quality Inn Cooking
Pit Punda and Alfred Friedrich do not have the intention to add another Michelin star to Alfred's most impressive CV. They have someting else in mind: High quality inn cooking.This represents a radical cut with the past for Alfred Friedrich and a rare opportunity for his guests, because it is still the genius Alfred Friedrich in the kitchen, but now cooking at a less sophisticated and more affordable level in a very relaxed atmosphere.
Applewine, Beer, Wine
Accordingly, the focus is also on applewine, the traditional drink in Frankfurt, and beer, in addition to wine. The focus of the wine list is not on ultra-premium wines for Euro 100 plus and big names like Dönnhoff, Robert Weil and J.J. Prüm, but more on the Gutswein level for less than Euro 30 of young, up-and-coming winemakers. For example, I started with glass of Rose made by Simone Adams an up-and-coming winemaker in Ingelheim. The House Applewine is from Kelterei Stier.
Pictures: Wine, Applewine, Sekt (Andres & Mugler, Chardonnay, Auxerois, 2013, Brut)
Picture: Backhuhnsalat vom Rhönhof Hofbieber Freilandgeflügel mit Rahmgurken und frittierten Petersilie (Euro 16)
Picture: Panna Cotta von Frankfurter Kräutern mit Spargelsalat und gebratenen Wildwassergarnelen (Euro 17)
Picture: Salat vom Zander mit gepökelter Kalbszunge, Radieschen und Daikon Kresse (Euro 18)
Picture: Taunus Saibling auf Fenchelholz mit wilder Broccoli und Kartoffeln von der L'ile de Noirmontier (Euro 25)
Picture: Rinderrücken mit geschmorter Schaufelbug mit Sellerie und Kartoffelravioli (Euro 28)
Picture: Apfelstrudel in Glas. Vanille Panna Cotta, Apfelragout mit karamelisierten Strudelblättern (Euro 11)
Picture: Topfenknödel mit Erdbeer-Rhabarberragout und Erdbeer-Frozen Joghurt (Euro 12)
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