Germany’s Restaurants with a Top Selection of German Wines
The Food and Wine Journal Der Feinschmecker and the German sparkling water producer Apollinaris have for the second time, done a ranking of Germany’s restaurants in terms of their selection of German wines. A total of 120 restaurants participated in the contest of which the following 10 were selected. The other day, a friend of mine sent me an e-mail asking me where he could have a good selection of German Rieslings, while on a stopover in Frankfurt am Main. This list is a good starting point, although I am not sure how broad the participation in the contest was. In Berlin, for example, I would definitely also recommend Restaurant Rutz. I do not know, whether they did not bother to participate, or if they did, but did not make it to the top 10. Anyway, here are the top 10.
In Berlin:
Restaurant Quadriga in the Hotel Brandenburger Hof - this year’s number 1, with 1250 German wines in the wine cellar.
Restaurant First Floor in the Hotel Palace – one star Michelin cuisine.
Close to Frankfurt am Main, in the Rheingau region:
Restaurant Kronenschloesschen in Eltville – Hattenheim; exquisite restaurant, which also got a special award for having a selection of 800 wines from the Rheingau.
Weinhaus und Hotel Zum Krug in Eltville – Hattenheim – more an up-scale wine brasserie in the same village in the Rheingau serving traditional German specialities with a staggering wine list, which includes their own wine.
In Hannover:
Restaurant Die Insel – exquisite restaurant with also an amazing list of top French wines.
In Leipzig:
Restaurant Falco in the Hotel Westin.
Close to Bonn:
Restaurant Weinhaus Gut Suelz in Koenigswinter – a cosy wine brasserie with wines from 70 German producers.
Kucher’s Landhaus in Darscheid – a wine cellar of 20.000 bottles in the country side, between Bonn and Frankfurt am Main.
Close to Stuttgart:
Restaurant Friedrich von Schiller, Bietigheim-Bissingen – about 30 miles away from Stuttgart in the country side; I can recommend their Schillerwein; former Boss of Porsche Wendelin Wedekind is a regular here.
Close to Cologne/Duesseldorf
Restaurant Gut Laerchenhof, Pulheim – Stommeln – an elegant restaurant, which is part of a golf club.
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In the Glass: 2007 Rheinhessen with Oysters at the Ten Bells in the Lower East Side in Manhattan
In the Glass: 2001 Riesling Gold Quatrat trocken Weingut Sybille Kuntz Mosel
German Wine Basics: Sugar in the Grape - Alcohol and Sweetness in the Wine
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Tasting Notes: German Wines imported into the US by Valckenberg
In the Glass: Pinot Noir from France, Germany and California
Wine Bar: Weinbar Rutz - Berlin, Germany
Kronenschlösschen in Hattenheim: I arranged a coorporate management meeting at that place in 1993 (I believe, it was) and everyone really liked it. Besides the wines, it is a great place to stay at - or at least was at that time!