Germany has 48.009 winemakers (Winzer) and a vineyard area of 102.000 hectares. In terms of world wine production, it accounts for a bit more than 1% of the total. Large wineries are rare to find, except for the wine co-operatives. At the end of the posting, you find 3 lists: (1) Germany’s 50 largest wineries, (2) Germany’s wine cooperatives with more than 500 hectares of vineyard area and (3) the world top 10 wine producing countries.
New Data
According to new data released by the German Wine Institute, Germany has 48.009 winemakers (Winzer) and a vineyard area of 102.000 hectares. In this concept, “winemaker” does not stand for making or even bottling wine, but stands for growing vines and producing grapes. In some areas of Germany, like Baden and Wuerttemberg, 80% of the so called winemakers deliver their grapes to a wine cooperative.
Compared with an estimated vineyard area of 7.000.000 hectares in the world, Germany accounts for only a bit more than 1% of world production. The big 3 are Spain, France and Italy with a combined vineyard area of 3.000.000 hectares.
Germany’s vineyard area has been stable in the past 1o years, but the number of winemakers has shrunk by about 30%.
Almost 90% of the winemakers operate with less than 5 hectares of vineyard area. There are only about 6.000 wineries with more than 5 hectares of land. Excluding wine-cooperatives, there are only 10 wineries in Germany with more than 100 hectares of land.
The average winery/winemaker size in Germany is about 2 hectares, with a range of 0.2 hectares in Saxony to 7.7 hectares in Rheinhessen.
Germany’s signature grape is Riesling. But worldwide, there are only about 34.000 hectares (equivalent to ½ percent of the total) planted with Riesling. Germany – with 22.400 hectares – accounts for 2/3 of it, followed by Australia, with 4500 hectares and France (Alsace) with 3500 hectares.
Mario Scheuermann’s List of the 50 Largest wineries
Mario Scheuermann compiled a few months ago a list of the 50 largest wineries in Germany. This list does not include wine cooperatives. 1 hectare equals 2.4 acres.
01 Juliusspital, Würzburg (Franken): 170 ha
02 Weingut Heinz Pfaffmann, Walsheim (Pfalz): 150 ha
03 Hessische Staatsweingüter Eltville (Rheingau): 140 ha
04 Markgraf von Baden Salem (Baden): 140 ha
05 Bischöfliche Weingüter Trier (Mosel) 130 ha
06 Staatlicher Hofkeller Würzburg (Franken): 120 ha
07 Weingut Anselmann, Edesheim (Pfalz): 115 ha
08 Bürgerspital z.Hl. Geist Würzburg (Franken): 110 ha
09 Weingut Lergenmüller, Hainfeld (Pfalz): 110 ha
10 Weingut Friedrich Kiefer Eichstetten am Kaiserstuhl (Baden): 110 ha
11 Sächsisches Staatsweingut Schloss Wackerbarth, Radebeul (Sachsen): 94 ha
12 Heinrich Vollmer, Ellerstadt (Pfalz): 90 ha
13 Weingut Dr. Bürklin-Wolf, Wachenheim (Pfalz): 86 ha
14 Weingut Hans Wirsching, Iphofen (Franken): 81 ha
15 Weingut Schloss Reinhartshausen, Eltville-Erbach (Rheingau): 78 ha
16 Weingut Fritz Walter, Niederhorbach (Pfalz): 76 ha
17 Weingut Robert Weil, Kiedrich (Rheingau): 75 ha
18 Fürstlich Castell´sches Domänenamt, Castell (Franken): 70 ha
19 Weingut Julius Zotz, Heitersheim (Baden): 69,8 ha
20 Weingut Schloss Proschwitz, Zadel über Meissen (Sachsen): 67 ha
21 Weingut G. H. von Mumm, Geisenheim-Johannisberg (Rheingau): 65 ha
22 Weingut Fritz Allendorf, Oestrich-Winkel (Rheingau): 64 ha
23 Weingut Schloss Vollrads, Oestrich-Winkel (Rheingau): 63,5 ha
24 Staatsweingut Meersburg (Baden): 63 ha

25 Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl, Deidesheim (Pfalz): 62 ha
26 Weingüter Wegeler (Rheingau, Mosel): 60 ha
27 Weingut Schales, Flörsheim-Dalsheim (Rheinhessen): 60 ha
28 Weingut Knöll & Vogel, Bad Bergzabern (Pfalz): 56 ha
29 Weingut Franz Keller/Schwarzer Adler, Vogtsburg-Oberbergen(Baden): 55 ha
30 Landesweingut Kloster Pforta, Bad Kösen (Saale-Unstrut): 55 ha
31 Domänenweingut Schloss Schönborn, Hattenheim (Rheingau): 51,6 ha
32 Weingut Karl Pfaffmann, Walsheim (Pfalz): 51 ha
33 Weingut Hammel, Kirchheim, (Pfalz): 50,5 ha
34 Weingut Schneider, Ellerstadt (Pfalz): 50 ha
35 Weingut Keth, Offstein (Rheinhessen): 50 ha
36 Weingut und –kellerei Karl Karle, Ihringen (Baden): 50 ha
37 Weingut Wageck-Pfaffmann, Bissersheim (Pfalz): 49,8 ha
38 Weingut Albert Kallfelz, Zell-Merl (Mosel): 48,3 ha
39 Weingut Geheimer Rat Dr. von Bassermann-Jordan, Deidesheim (Pfalz): 48 ha
40 Consulat des Weins, Edenkoben (Pfalz): 46,2 ha
41 Weingut Schloss Ortenberg (Baden): 46 ha
42 Weingut Georg Apfelbacher (Württemberg): 46 ha
43 Weingut Balthasar Ress, Hattenheim (Rheingau): 44,7 ha
44 Weingut Salwey, Oberrotweil (Baden): 42,6 ha
45 Staatsweingut Weinsberg (Württemberg): 42,2 ha
46 Weingut Van Volxem, Wiltingen (Saar): 42 ha
47 Weingut Knipser, Laumersheim (Pfalz): 41 ha
48 Weingut Herzog von Württemberg, Ludwigsburg (Württemberg): 40,6 ha
49 Weingut Markus Molitor, Bernkastel-Wehlen (Mosel): 40,5 ha
50 Five wineries all with 40 hectares: Thüringer Weingut Bad Sulza (Saale-Unstrut), Weingut von Winning Dr. Deinhard, Deidesheim (Pfalz), Bernhard Koch, Hainfeld (Pfalz), Weingut Hochdoerfer (Pfalz), Weingut Paul Anheuser (Nahe)
Mario Scheuermann’s List of the Largest German Wine Co-Operatives
Here is a list, also compiled by Mario Scheuermann of the wine co-operatives in Germany with a vineyard area of more than 500 hectares.
1. Badischer Winzerkeller (BWK), Breisach: 2.500 ha
2 Württembergische Zentralgenossenschaft (WZG), Möglingen: 2.400 ha
3. Winzergemeinschaft Franken eG (GWF), Kitzingen: 1.440 ha
4. Moselland eG., Bernkastel-Kues 1.400 ha
5. Bezirkskellerei Markgräflerland, Efringen-Kirchen 900 ha
6. Winzerkeller Wiesloch: 750 ha
7. Genossenschaftskellerei Heilbronn: 750 ha
8. Bezirkswinzergenossenschaft Wonnegau, Monsheim: 690 ha
9. Remstalkellerei, Weinstadt-Beutelsbach: 632 ha
10.Felsengartenkellerei, Hessigheim: 611 ha
11.Heuchelberg Weingärtner, Schwaigern: 610 ha
12.Deutsches Weintor, Schweigen: 600 ha
13.Lauffener Weingärtner: 590 ha
14.Vier Jahreszeiten Winzer, Bad Dürkheim: 500 ha
Wine Producer Germany in the World
Here is a list of the World’s 10 largest wine producers (in 1.000 hectares).
World: 7.000 (100%)
Spain: 1.170 (17%)
France: 867 (13%)
Italy: 840 (12%)
China: 490 (7%)
USA: 409 (6%)
Portugal: 248 (4%)
Argentinia: 230 (4%)
Rumania: 205 (3%)
Chile: 197 (3%)
Australia: 174 (3%)
Germany 102 (1%)
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