Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Redesigned and Updated Website of the German Wine Society (USA)

Pictures: The 1000 years old Cathedral of Mainz in Rheinhessen and the Abbey of Eberbach in the Rheingau.

Carl Willner
National Vice President and Secretary, and Capital Chapter President and Secretary 
German Wine Society

German Wine Society members,

I’m very pleased to be able to let you know that the German Wine Society’s National website has now been extensively redesigned and updated to bring it into the 21st Century for German wine!   Please check it out - the address remains the same as before, .  Before this, the National website had not been redesigned or significantly updated since the early 2000s, although I had made some corrections to it last year after becoming Secretary for information that was clearly out of date, such as the lists of chapters and National leadership.  But more was needed, and the National leadership agreed to hire a website developer, Ogrelogic, with which I worked to both greatly improve the appearance of the website, and bring all its content up to date with respect to wine regions, grapes, recent National events, and the new German wine law.  In this project, National Director Christian Schiller was also of great assistance, permitting us to use pictures from his wine blog and also authorizing us to use an article about the new German wine law that appears on his blog.   National President Beth Sheligo has been very supportive throughout the project as well, reaching out as needed to our web hosting service and reviewing content.

One important feature of the new website that should be of interest to all chapter and at-large members is the Events page, where we plan going forward to post new event announcements from each of the chapters as these are received.   The Washington, D.C. Capital Chapter continues to maintain its own website as well, ,  and registration and payment for Capital Chapter events will continue to take place through that website.   Other chapters have their own arrangements for registration and payment for events, as indicated in their event notices.  But the new National website will now for the first time allow GWS members to see all of the recent events of the chapters in one place, and will provide another way for the smaller chapters that do not maintain their own websites to reach out to new members and guests beyond those who already receive their email notices.  We hope that this will also provide an incentive for the formation of new chapters who need to find members in their areas.

We hope you all agree that the redesigned National website represents a major step forward for the GWS, and will help to bring our chapters closer as one Society, along with spreading more knowledge and information about the German wines we love!

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