Friday, May 17, 2024

The Return of the German Wine Society (USA) Silver Medallion

Carl Willner
National Vice President and Secretary, and Capital Chapter President and Secretary 
German Wine Society

German Wine Society members,

many German Wine Society members have our bronze medallions with the ribbons in the colors of the German flag, which any member is entitled to obtain and is worn for festive Society events.   But sometimes you can also see longtime members wearing gold or silver medallions on their ribbons as well.  These medallion colors signify the three classes of German Wine Society membership, as described in our Articles of Incorporation.   

The Gold Medallion is available only to graduates of the German Wine Academy, which required travel to Germany for courses that were once offered at the Academy in English.  But the Silver Medallion is not so difficult to obtain.  Under the Articles of Incorporation, it is available to “persons who have considerable knowledge of German wines, based on study and/or professional exposure (but who are not graduates of the German Wine Academy).”  Any Bronze Medallion holders “can progress to the class of Silver Medallion members upon proof of their advanced knowledge of German wines through tastings and/or other examination conducted by Gold Medallion members.”   

The German Wine Society still has a limited supply of Silver Medallions available, but our examination for those interested in qualifying for this medallion had been long out of date, with some versions even predating German reunification.  

It is time to once again give our members an opportunity to demonstrate their German wine knowledge, and so National Board members Carl Willner and Christian Schiller have collaborated to bring the Silver Medallion examination fully up to date for German wine in the 21st Century, and it has been approved by National President Beth Sheligo, a Gold Medallion holder.  The Silver Medallion examination is a written test, which must be taken under the in-person supervision of an officer of any GWS chapter or a National Board member without use of the Internet or other materials during the exam, and is then sent to be graded by those members of the National Board familiar with the exam’s answers.  President Beth Sheligo will give final approval to all successful candidates, satisfying the requirement in the Articles for examination by Gold Medallion members.  Those interested in taking the examination can request to do so through a chapter officer (or, for at-large members, directly to any National Board member).   Examination forms will not be returned, but the taker of the examination will be advised of the score obtained, and if successful, presented with the Silver Medallion.   

It is strongly recommended that members not attempt to take the examination “cold” as it is challenging.  Rather, to prepare for the test, members should familiarize themselves with current information about the GWS, German wines, wine grapes and regions, and the current German wine law, making use of the National website, and the Wines of Germany and VDP websites as well (links to these are available on the National website), as well as other up-to-date sources on German wines and their own wine experience from attending numerous GWS events.  Be cautious about using any older sources to prepare, as much has changed in the world of German wines with the new Wine Law of 2021.  Those who are unsuccessful with the exam and want to try again must wait at least a year before doing so.  We encourage experienced members to demonstrate their wine knowledge, and look forward to welcoming more Silver Medallion members to the German Wine Society!

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