Pictures: Tasting with Helmut Dönnhoff and Sascha Johannes Schömel at Weingut Dönnhoff (VDP) in Oberhausen, Nahe - Germany-South and Alsace 2022 by ombiasy WineTours
The new Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland – for 2024 – was published
in November 2023. This was the 36. release of this wineguide. It reviews more than 2.000
wines of more than 600 producers.
Its rating symbol for winemakers is a grape and Germany’s best
winemakers are awarded 1 to 5 grapes, red or black. 5 red grapes is better than 5 black grapes (= 4.5 grapes). The wines are rated using the
1 to 100 points scale.
I am releasing 4 postings with regard to the Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2024:
Germany's Best Winemakers - Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2024 Awards
Germany’s Top Winemakers (With 5/5 Grapes) - Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2024
Climbers to the 5 Red Grapes Category - Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2024
10 Next Generation Winemakers - Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2024
Germany's Top 35 Winemakers (with 5/5 Grapes)
The Gault&Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2024 lists 35 winemakers in its top category of 5/5 grapes. 12 of them are in the red grapes category and 23 in the black (= 4.5/5 grapes category).
5/5 Red Grapes: 12 Winemakers
Aldinger, Fellbach WÜRTTEMBERG Hall of Fame
Pictures: Gert Aldinger, Weingut Aldinger, Karl Eugen Erbgraf zu Neipperg, Weingut Des Grafen Neipperg and Annette Schiller See: 2017 VDP Trade Fair Weinbörse - Vintage 2016 - in Mainz: Schiller’s Report
Pictures: Hansjörg and Matthias Aldinger with Christian Schiller. See: Germany’s Best Winemakers and Wines – Vinum WeinGuide Deutschland 2018 Awards: The Award Ceremony in Mainz, GermanyPicture: Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Aldinger in Fellbach (Stuttgart), with Matthias Aldinger - Germany-East Tour 2018 by ombiasy WineTours: Wine, Art, Culture, History - Berlin, Saale-Unstrut, Sachsen, Württemberg, Franken
Georg Breuer, Rüdesheim am Rhein RHEINGAU Rising
Dönnhoff, Oberhausen an der Nahe NAHE Hall of Fame
Pictures: Tasting with Helmut Dönnhoff and Sascha Johannes Schömel at Weingut Dönnhoff (VDP) in Oberhausen, Nahe - Germany-South and Alsace 2022 by ombiasy WineTours
Pictures: Tasting at Weingut Dönnhoff, Oberhausen, Nahe. with Anne Dönnhoff - Germany-North Tour 2019 by ombiasy WineTours: Quintessential Riesling
Picture: Annette Schiller, Helmut Dönnhoff and daughter Christina Dönnhoff (Weingut Dönnhoff) and Didier Cuevlier (Chateau Leoville Poyferre) at Weingut Dr. Robert Weil
Pictures: An Afternoon with Riesling Star Winemaker Helmut Doennhoff at Weingut Doennhoff in Oberhausen in the Nahe Valley, Germany
Emrich-Schönleber, Monzingen NAHE Rising
Christian Schiller and Werner Schönleber, Weingut
Emrich-Schönleber at the 2013 Riesling Gala at Kloster Eberbach,
Rudolf Fürst, Bürgstadt FRANKEN Hall of Fame
Pictures: Paul Fürst, Annette Schiller, Sebastian Fürst and Christian Schiller at Weingut Rudolf Fürst. See: Tasting and Tour with the Pinot Noir Legend Paul Fürst, Weingut Rudolf Fürst in Bürgstadt, Franken – Germany-East Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Pictures: Winemaker Dinner with Sebastian Fürst, Weingut Fürst, Franken, at Schaumahl, Offenbach/ Frankfurt, 16 Points Gault Millau, Germany
Pictures: Dinner with Sebastian Fürst and Julian Huber. See: Winemaker Dinner with Chef/ King of Spices Ingo Holland
and Sebastian Fürst (Weingut Rudolf Fürst, Franken), Julian Huber
(Weingut Bernhard Huber, Baden) and Jérôme Legras (Champagne
Legras & Haas)
Bernhard Huber, Malterdingen BADEN Hall of Fame
Pictures: Tasting at Weingut Bernhard Huber in Baden, with Yquem Viehauser and Julian Huber – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)Keller, Flörsheim-Dalsheim RHEINHESSEN Hall of Fame
Picture: Annette Schiller, Julia and Klaus Peter Keller at the 2015 Rieslingfeier in New York, see: A German Riesling Feast in New York City: Rieslingfeier 2015, USAPeter Jakob Kühn, Oestrich-Winkel RHEINGAU Rising
Picture: Christian Schiller and Peter Jakob Kühn in Kiedrich, Rheingau, see: Extraordinary Views of the Rheingau Vineyards - A Spectecular Helicopter Flight over the Rheingau with Rheingau Winemakers, GermanyPictures: Kühn Peter Jakob, Oestrich (Rheingau) - One of the Bio-dynamic Stars in Germany: Weingut Peter Jakob Kühn in Östrich, Winkel – Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)
Joh. Jos. Prüm, Bernkastel-Kues MOSEL Hall of Fame
Picture: Annette Schiller and Manfred Prüm
Picture: Christian Schiller with Katharina Pruem at Wegmans in Virginia. See also: JJ Pruem Goes Supermarket: Meeting Katharina Pruem and Tasting the Incredible JJ Pruem Wines at Wegmans
Pictures: Tasting at the Legendary Weingut J.J. Prüm with Amei Prüm – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours 2016
Sekthaus Raumland, Flörsheim-Dalsheim RHEINHESSEN Hall of Fame
Ökonomierat Rebholz, Siebeldingen PFALZ Hall of Fame
Picture: The Table of Hannsjörg Rebholz, Weingut Ökonomierat Rebholz, Pfalz, at the Gala Dinner of the Rieslingfeier 2016 in New York City, with Annette Schiller, David Schildknecht and Hannsjörg Rebholz. See: A German Riesling Feast in New York City: Rieslingfeier 2016, USA
Picture: Annette and Christian Schiller with Hansjörg and Birgit Rebholz at Prowein 2015 in Düsseldorf
Picture: In the Cellar of Weingut Ökonomierat Rebholz, Siebeldingen, Pfalz, with Hansjörg and Valentin Rebholz. See: Cellar
Tour and Tasting at Weingut Ökonomierat Rebholz in Siebeldingen,
Pfalz, with Hansjörg and Valentin Rebholz and Sabine Wagner - Germany-South and Alsace 2017 Tour by ombiasy WineTours
Pictures: Germany-South and Alsace 2022 Tour by ombiasy WineTours
Robert Weil, Kiedrich RHEINGAU Hall of Fame
Picture: Christian Schiller and Wilhelm Weil, Weingut Robert Weil, Tasting at Weingut Weil. See: Tasting with Wilhelm Weil the 2010 Weingut Weil Wines in Kiedrich, Germany
Pictures: Kiedrich: Visit of the Basilica of Saint Valentine and of Weingut Robert Weil - Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)
Pictures: Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Robert Weil in Kiedrich, Rheingau, with Jan Christensen - Germany-North Tour 2019 by ombiasy WineTours: Quintessential Riesling
5 Black Grapes: 23 Winemakers
Battenfeld-Spanier, Hohen-Sülzen RHEINHESSEN
Pictures: Christian Schiller with H. O. Spanier and Caroline Spanier-Gillot at a Tasting in Bodenheim. See: The Wine Maker Couple H.O. Spanier and Carolin Spanier-Gillot, with Roland Gillot, Lead Wine Tasting of Kuehling-Gillot and Battenfeld-Spanier Wines at Weingut Kuehling-Gillot, GermanyPictures: At a Tasting in Bodenheim at Weingut Kuehling-Gillot. See: The Wine Maker Couple H.O. Spanier and Carolin Spanier-Gillot, with Roland Gillot, Lead Wine Tasting of Kuehling-Gillot and Battenfeld-Spanier Wines at Weingut Kuehling-Gillot, Germany
Clemens Busch, Pünderich MOSEL
Pictures: At Weingut Clemens Busch with Rita and Clemens Busch. See:Vineyard Tour and Wine Tasting at Weingut Clemens Busch – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)Pictures: Annette Schiller, Christian Schiller and Clemens Busch at Panda Gourmet, Washington DC. See: Wine-pairing Dinner with Clemens Busch, Weingut Clemens Busch, Mosel, at Panda Gourmet in Washington DC, USA
Picture: Annette and Christian Schiller at the Rieslingfeier 2017 in New York City with Clemens Busch. See: The Annual "Slaughterhouse" Riesling Feast in New York: Rieslingfeier 2017, USA
Pictures: Annette Schiller, Clemens Busch and Christian Schiller in Washington DC, USA in 2014. See: German Star Winemaker Clemens Busch, Weingut Clemens Busch in the Mosel Valley, in Washington DC, USA
Picture: Gernot Kollmann, Weingut Immich-Batterieberg, Annette Schiller, ombiasy WineTours, Dominik Sona and Franzi Schmitt, Weingut Koehler-Ruprecht and Clemens Busch, Weingut Clemens Busch, at Bart Vandaele's BToo in Washington DC. See: Post-Rieslingfeier and Pre-Big Glou Dinner with 3 Top Winemakers from Germany at BToo in Washington DC: Clemens Busch, Immich-Batterieberg and Koehler-Ruprecht, USA
Picture: In Seattle, Washington State, in 2013, during the 4th Riesling Rendezvous: Clemens Busch, Christian Schiller and Hermann Wiemer, founder of Hermann J. Wiemer Vineyards in the Finger Lakes Region in New York State. See: The World of Riesling in Seattle - Fourth Riesling Rendezvous in Washington State, USA
Christmann, Neustadt an der Weinstraße PFALZ
Pictures: Tour and Tasting at Weingut A. Christmann in Gimmeldingen, Pfalz, with Steffen Christmann – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), Germany
Dr. Heger, Ihringen BADEN
Pictures: Tasting and Weingut Dr. Heger and Christian Schiller and Joachim Heger. See: Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Dr. Heger in Ihringen, Kaiserstuhl, Baden – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)
Eva Fricke, Eltville am Rhein RHEINGAU Rising
Picture: Christian Schiller with Eva Fricke. See: Visiting Weingut Josef Leitz in Ruedesheim – Johannes Leitz is Germany’s Winemaker of the Year, Gault Millau WeinGuide 2011
Forstmeister Geltz Zilliken, Saarburg MOSEL
Pictures: Cellar Tour at Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken with Hanno Zilliken - Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
Pictures: Tasting at Weingut Forstmeister Geltz-Zilliken with Hanno Zilliken - Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours
Pictures: Hanno Zilliken at the 2015 Rieslingfeier in New York. See: The 11 Winemakers: Rieslingfeier 2015 in New York City, USA
Geheimer Rat Dr. von Bassermann-Jordan, Deidesheim PFALZ
Karthäuserhof, Trier MOSEL Rising
The Karthäuserhof in the Mosel Valley: An Eventful History – From Grenoble in France to New York City in the US
Knipser, Laumersheim PFALZ
Picture: Stephan Knipser, Weingut Knipser, Sebastion Fürst, Weingut Fürst and Christian Schiller in Mainz. See: Germany’s Best Winemakers and Wines – Vinum WeinGuide Deutschland 2018 Awards: The Award Ceremony in Mainz, Germany
Kühling-Gillot, Bodenheim RHEINHESSEN
Pictures: Tasting with Carolin Spanier-Gillot, Weingut Battenfeld-Spanier and Weingut Kühling-Gillot, in Hohen-Sülzen - Germany-South and Alsace 2018 Tour by ombiasy WineToursKünstler, Hochheim RHEINGAU Rising
Pictures: The late Franz Kuenstler with Annette Schiller at a Weinfreundeskreis Hochheim Tasting (2009)
Picture: Annette and Christian G.E. Schiller with Gunter Kuenstler at Weingut Franz Kuenstler (2009)
Pictures: Annette and Monika Kuenstler (2013)
Picture: Annette and Gunter Kuenstler in Wiesbaden (2013)
Leitz, Geisenheim RHEINGAU
Markus Molitor, Bernkastel-Kues MOSEL
Meyer-Näkel, Dernau AHR
Salwey, Vogtsburg im Kaiserstuhl BADEN
Horst Sauer, Escherndorf FRANKEN Rising
Schäfer-Fröhlich, Bockenau NAHE Rising
Picture: Christian Schiller and Tim Fröhlich in Wiesbaden
Pictures: At Weingut Schäfer-Fröhlich in Bockenau - Germany-North Tour 2016 by ombiasy WineTours: Quintessential German Riesling and the Northernmost Pinot Noir
Schloss Lieser Thomas Haag, Lieser MOSEL
Pictures: Tasting at Weingut Schloss Lieser in Lieser with Owner/ Winemaker Thomas Haag – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours 2016
Picture: Thomas Haag, Weingut Schloss Lieser, and Christian Schiller in Mainz. See: Thomas Haag, Weingut Schloss Lieser, Germany’s Winemaker of the Year, Gault Millau WeinGuide Deutschland 2015
Rainer Schnaitmann, Fellbach WÜRTTEMBERG Rising
Pictures: Chef's Table Winemaker Dinner at Zur Golden Kron in Frankfurt, Germany, with Michelin-starred Chef Alfred Friedrich, Frankfurt Cult Sommelier Pit Punda and World Class Winemaker Rainer Schnaitmann from Württemberg
Pictures: Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Schnaitmann (VDP) in Fellbach, Württemberg, with Rainer Schnaitmann – Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2023), Germany
Jean Stodden, Rech AHR Rising
Von Hövel, Konz MOSEL Rising
Picture: Annette Schiller, Max von Kunow, Johannes Hasselbach, Alwin Jurtschitsch and Christian G.E. Schiller at BToo. See:Weingut von Hoevel – The New Generation: Max von Kunow in Washington DC, USA/Germany
Pictures: Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut von Hövel, Saar, with Owner/ Winemaker Maximilian von Kunow - Germany-North Tour 2017 by ombiasy WineTours
Martin Waßmer, Bad Krozingen BADEN Rising
Wittmann, Westhofen RHEINHESSEN
Pictures: Cellar Tour and Wine Tasting with Philipp Wittmann and Eva Clüsserath-Wittmann at Weingut Wittmann in Westhofen – Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2014)
Ziereisen, Efringen-Kirchen BADEN
ombiasy WineTours: Wine Tour Schedule 2023 - Austria, Germany/East, Burgundy/ Champagne, Germany/ North
Summery: Germany "From Berlin to Frankfurt" 2023 (Saale Unstrut, Sachsen, Franken, Württemberg) by ombiasy WineTours
Tour and Tasting at Weingut Tement, Steiermark, with Sommelier Andy Bodor and Manfred and Heidi Tement - Austria 2023 by ombiasy WineTours
Tour, Tasting and Lunch at Domaine Jean-Marc Brocard in Préhy, Chablis - From Lyon to Paris: Total Immersion in Burgundy and Champagne 2023 by ombiasy WineTours
Christian Schiller`s SCHILLER-WINE Blog on Corking Wines` Top 101 Wine Writers of 2020 List
The Wines of Germany: Presentation by Annette Schiller at the German Embassy in Washington DC/ Consular Conference December 2021
The American Wine Society National Conference 2022 in Bellevue/ Seattle, Washington State - Seen through Christian Schiller`s Camera Lens
Tasting Top Virginia Wines in Frankfurt, Germany: Virginia Governor's Cup Case 2017
Maison Guigal in Ampuis, Côte Rôtie, Northern Rhône: Cellar Tour, Tasting and Vineyard Tour - Rhône Valley Tour 2022 by ombiasy WineTours: Wine, Culture and History, France
Tour and Tasting at
Château Haut-Bailly, Graves, Appellation Pessac-Léognan, Grand Cru Classé, with Cellar Master Jean Christoph - Bordeaux Tour 2022 by
ombiasy WineTours, France
2022 Annual Riesling Party at the Schiller Residence in McLean, Virginia, USA
Massive Tasting of Bordeaux 1982 - the Vintage that made Robert Parker a Star, USA/ France
Carl Willner, Christian Schiller and Ken Bensley of the German Wine Society/ Washington DC Chapter (Re-)elected to the National Board, USA, Germany
The End of the "Grosslage" in Germany - Seminar about the new German Wine Law of 2022 at the 2022 American Wine Society National Conference in Bellevue/ Seattle, Washington State, led by Annette Schiller
All Sorts of Sparklers: How do the Bubbles get into that Bottle? - Tasting at the American Wine Society (NoVa Chapter) led by Annette Schiller
Germany's Weingut Künstler #2 on James Suckling's List of the Top 100 Wines of the World (2022)
"Wein-Oktoberfest" of the German Wine Society (Washington DC Chapter) at the German Embassy in Washington DC, USA
Christian Schiller: Re-elected to the Board of the "Weinfeder", the Association of German Wine Journalists
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