Monday, November 30, 2015

Germany's Best Pinot Noir Wines - BerlinSpätburgunderCup 2013/2015

Picture: 2013 Weingut Rings, Kallstadter Saumagen, Spätburgunder, Pfalz, with Andreas Rings, Weingut Rings, in Frankfurt, Germany

Martin Zwick, the wine blogger from Berlin, is rapidly building up a reputation as being a mover and shaker in the German wine scene. This is due to the various Berlin Cups that he is organizing. It all started with the BerlinRieslingCup a few years ago, a blind tasting and ranking in November of what Martin Zwick considered the leading Grosses Gewächs wines - the ultra-premium dry wines of the VDP producers, Germany’s elite wine makers - that were released on September 1 of the same year. Initially, people did not pay much attention to the BerlinRieslingCup, but this has clearly changed over the years.

Pictures: Annette and Christian Schiller with Andreas Rings and his 2013 Weingut Rings, Kallstadter "Saumagen", Spätburgunder, in Frankfurt. The 2013 2013 Weingut Rings, Kallstadter "Saumagen", Spätburgunder was #1 in the BerlinSpätburgunderCup 2013/2015

But the BerlinCup is no longer just about Grosses Gewächs wines, Martin has added a (1) BerlinGutsweinCup – ranking entry level wines, a (2) BerlinKabinettCup – ranking lightly sweet wines at the Kabinett level and a (3) BerlinSpätburgunderCup – ranking German Pinot Noir wines.

Picture: At Weingut Schnaitmann with Rainer Schnaitmann during the Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015) The 2013 Schnaitmann, Fellbacher "Lämmler" GG, Spätburgunder, Württemberg was #2 in the BerlinSpätburgunderCup 2013/2015.

Red Wine Revolution in Germany

There is a red wine revolution going on in Germany and the world increasingly takes note of it. Of course, given its location, the red wines of Germany tend to be not like the fruity red wines we know from warmer countries, but lean and more elegant, with a lot of finesse. 30 years ago, the share of red wine in total German wine output was not more than 10 percent; in the international wine scene, people would not talk about German red wine. But this is changing. Germany now produces red wines that can compete with the best of the world; the share of red wines in terms of production has increased to about 35 percent now in Germany and increasingly the international market takes note of what is happening in Germany.

Picture: Paul Fürst, Annette Schiller, Sebastian Fürst and Christian Schiller at Weingut Rudolf Fürst: Tasting and Tour with the Pinot Noir Legend Paul Fürst, Weingut Rudolf Fürst in Bürgstadt, Franken – Germany-East Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015). The 2013 Fürst, "Hundsrück" GG, Spätburgunder, Franken was #3 in the BerlinSpätburgunderCup 2013/2015.

Pinot Noir in Germany

Today, Germany is the third biggest producer of Pinot Noir (called Spaetburgunder in Germany), after France and the US, with more planted than Australia and New Zealand combined. However, despite being the world’s third largest producer of Pinot Noir, the country exports just over 1% of its production.

Picture: At Weingut Bernhard Huber with Julian Huber during: Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015). The 2013 Weingut Berhard Huber, Malterdinger Bienenberg Wildenstein GG, Spätburgunder, Baden, was #4 in the BerlinSpätburgunderCup 2013/2015. 

BerlinSpätburgunderCup 2013/2015

The BerlinSpätburgunderCup 2013/2015 took place in late October 2015. Tasted and ranked were wines from 2013. A group of sommeliers, wine retailers, wine bloggers, wine marketing people and Pinot Noir lovers tasted and ranked 39 wines. These were all ultra-premium wines, but not only VDP.Grosses Gewaechs wines.

Ranking - BerlinSpätburgunderCup 2013/2015

93 Punkte

2013 Rings, Kallstadter "Saumagen", Spätburgunder, Pfalz (Euro 38)
2013 Schnaitmann, Fellbacher "Lämmler" GG, Spätburgunder, Württemberg (Euro 48)

92 Punkte

2013 Fürst, "Hundsrück" GG, Spätburgunder, Franken (Euro 94)
2013 Huber, Malterdinger Bienenberg "Wildenstein" GG, Spätburgunder, Baden (Euro 120)
2013 Rings, "Felsenberg", Spätburgunder, Pfalz
2013 Braunewell, Essenheimer "Teufelspfad", Spätburgunder, Rheinhessen

91 Punkte

2013 Stadt Klingenberg-Benedikt Baltes, "Terra 1621", Spätburgunder, Franken (Euro 100)
2012 Koehler-Ruprecht, Pinot Noir Reserve, Pfalz
2013 Dr. Heger, "Häusleboden" GG, Spätburgunder, Baden (Euro 71)
2013 Huber, Hecklinder "Schlossberg" GG, Spätburgunder, Baden
2012 Holger Koch, Pinot Noir Reserve, Baden (Euro 48)
2013 Meyer-Näkel, Dernauer "Pfarrwingert" GG, Spätburgunder, Ahr (Euro 48)
2013 Siener, Birkweiler "Kastanienbusch", Pinot Noir, Pfalz

90 Punkte

2013 Möbitz, "Koepfle", Pinot Noir, Baden (Euro 39)
2012 Koehler-Ruprecht, Pinot Noir, Pfalz
2013 Stodden, Ahrweiler "Rosenthal" GG, Spätburgunder, Ahr
2012 Molitor, Brauneberger "Klostergarten"***, Pinot Noir, Mosel (Euro 80)
2013 Künstler, Hofheim "Stein" GG, Spätburgunder, Rheingau
2012 Molitor, Brauneberger "Klostergarten" **, Pinot Noir, Mosel (Euro 45)
2013 St. Antony, Nierstein "Paterberg", Pinot Noir, Rheinhessen
2013 Thörle, Saulheimer "Hölle", Spätburgunder, Rheinhessen

89 Punkte

2013 Johner, "SJ" , Blauer Spätburgunder, Baden
2012 Gutzler, "Morstein" GG, Spätburgunder, Rheinhessen
2013 Heid, "Fellbacher Lämmler" GG, Spätburgunder, Württemberg
2013 Jülg, Pinot Noir, Pfalz
2013 Enderle&Moll, "Muschelkalk", Pinot Noir, Baden
2013 Krebs "Musikantenbuckel", Spätburgunder, Pfalz

88 Punkte

2013 Ziereisen, "Rhini" Blauer Spätburgunder, Baden
2013 Bergdolt-Reif&Nett, "Hölle", Spätburgunder, Pfalz
2012 Wageck, "Burgweg", Spätburgunder, Pfalz
2013 Chat Sauvage, "Lorcher Kapellenberg", Pinot Noir, Rheingau (Euro 45)
2013 Aldinger, Marienglas "Gips" GG, Spätburgunder, Württemberg
2013 Allendorf, Assmannshäuser "Höllenberg" GG, Spätburgunder, Rheingau
2013 Frank John, Pinot Noir, Pfalz (Euro 45)

87 Punkte

2013 Zelt "Laumersheimer Kirschgarten" Spätburgunder, Pfalz
2013 Wageck, "Kalkmergel", Spätburgunder, Pfalz
2013 Metzger, "Melandor" , Pinot Noir, Pfalz (Euro 48)
2013 Thörle, Saulheimer "Probstey", Spätburgunder, Rheinhessen
2013 Siener, "Köppel" Kastanienbusch, Spätburgunder, Pfalz

86 Punkte

2013 Julianne Eller "Alsheim" Juwel, Spätburgunder, Rheinhessen

Michael Quentel's Notes in Weinwisser

Michael Quentel was one of the judges and published his tasting notes and general impressions on his website (in German). I selected a few (including of the most expensive wines) and re-issued them here. The pictures are mine.

2013 Lorcher Kapellenberg Pinot Noir, QbA trocken – Chat Sauvage, Rheingau (€45,-)

Recht dunkles Rubinrot; dunkle, leicht vom Alkohol getragene Nase, etwas rauchig, geschnittenes Holz, saftiger Ansatz, schöne aromatische Tiefe mit festem Kern, gutes Tannin, klare Frucht; fest gewirkte, gute Struktur; Holz ist sehr gut eingebunden; druckvoll, mit guter Länge. 89-90 Punkte

Picture: Michael Städter, General Manager and Winemaker at Weingut Chat Sauvage in Rüdesheim (2015). See also: Weingut Chat Sauvage – Bourgogne in the Middle of the Rheingau: Meeting Chat Sauvage’s Winemaker and General Manager Michael Städter, Germany

2013 Ihringer Winklerberg Häusleboden Spätburgunder GG – Dr. Heger, Baden (€71,40)

Mittleres, ziemlich transparentes Runbinrot, sehr schöner Glanz, wunderbar balancierte, ruhige Art, feine Textur, eleganter Stil. Die Komponenten Frucht (rot- und dunkelbeerig, subtile Kirschfrucht), Tannin und Säure sind perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt; schöne Struktur; sehr klare und reintönige Art, richtig guter Stoff, feinsandiges Tannin, nachhaltig und subtil zugleich, erstaunlich früh zu trinken, aber mit gutem Lagerpotential 92-94 Punkte

Picture: Christian G.E. Schiller and Joachim Heger. See: Visit: Weingut Dr. Heger in Baden – Germany-South Wine Tours by ombiasy (2014)

2013 Spätburgunder Terra 1261, QbA trocken – Weingut Stadt Klingenberg / Benedikt Baltes, Franken (ca. €100 – als Teil einer Lagenkiste)

Helles Rubinrot mit mittlerer Transparenz. Feine, dezent rotbeerige Frucht, etwas roh-fleischige Noten, Nuancen von Kirschen und getrockneten Kräutern, filigran gewirkte Nase. Am Gaumen hochelegant, perfekte Balance, mit sehr schöner aromatischer Tiefe, verspielt, feine und noble Tannine, mineralische Anklänge, mit ganz vielen Facetten, besitzt eine wunderbare Leichtigkeit des Seins. Aristokratisch und subtil bis lange Finale. 93-94 Punkte

2013 Fellbacher Lämmler Spätburgunder GG – Schnaitmann, Württemberg (€42,-)

Herrlich intensives und nachhaltiges Parfum; dicht und gleichzeitig vielschichtig und facettenreich – so schön! Am Gaumen ein wunderbare Aromen-Melange. Feinsaftig und eher kühl in der Aromatik, kein bisschen vordergründige Frucht, sondern eher vegetabil-kräutrige Noten, Kirschkerne, erdig und mineralisch; wunderbares Säurespiel, viel Substanz, noch recht fest gewirkt, aber mit sehr feinen Anlagen, nachhaltig und mit formidabler Länge. 93-95 Punkte

2013 Dernauer Pfarrwingert Spätburgunder GG – Meyer-Näkel, Ahr (€48,-)

Dichtes Rubinrot. Dichte Waldbeerenfrucht, Erdbeeren, dezente Kräutrigkeit. Am Gaumen schöner Extrakt. Dunkle Waldbeeren, Kirschfrucht und Erdbeeren, dahinter dezent kräutrige Noten. Etwas Extraktsüße – abgepuffert mit schöner Säure. Insgesamt mittelgewichtig mit guter Frische und fein eingepassten Gerbstoffen. Ausgewogener und harmonischer Spätburgunder, der bereits jetzt gut zu trinken ist. 89-91 Punkte

Picture: With Dorte Nägel at Weingut Meyer-Näkel during the Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

2013 Bürgstadter Hundsrück Spätburgunder GG – Fürst, Franken (€94,-)

Rubinrot mit mittlerer Transparenz und schönem Glanz. In der Nase feiner, tiefer und kühl-mineralischer Ansatz, überaus reintönige Aromen, eher dunkelbeerig und kräutrig. Am Gaumen die gleiche reintönige und transparente Art. Baut viel Zug und Druck auf, viel innere Stärke, dabei nie schwer. Packt zu, feinwürzig, mit herrlichem Säurebiss und subtiler Extraktsüße; feinsaftig und überaus klar. Hedonistischer Wein mit riesigem Potential und tollem Harmonie-Versprechen. Großartig; feistes Teil! 94-96 Punkte

2013 Bienenberger Wildenstein Spätburgunder R / GG – Huber, Baden (€120,-)

Von Anbeginn eine ungeheuer subtile und vielschichtige Aromatik. Betörende Nase mit ätherisch/balsamischen Anklängen, feinen Kirsch- und dunklen Beerennoten, auch würzige Aromen. Am Gaumen eine vergleichbar komplexes Aromenspiel zwischen Frucht, Gewürzen (z.B. roter Pfeffer) und erdig, mineralischen Anklängen. Kühle, sehr geschliffene Art. Hier ist alles bestens definiert, passend dimensioniert und auf eine lange Zukunft hin strukturiert. Frucht, frische Säure, feingliedrige Tannine und ein wunderschönes, langes und elegantes Finale. Groß! 94-95 Punkte

2013 Kallstadter Saumagen Spätburgunder, QbA trocken – Rings, Pfalz (€38,-)

Kühler, intensiver Duft von rotschwarzen Beeren und Kirschen, durchzogen mit einem wunderbaren Potpourrie von getrockneten Kräutern und Gewürzen. Am Gaumen geil-saftig (sorry des Ausdrucks), tief und nachhaltig. Der Wein hat Power und Frische, ist klar, kühl und substanzgeladen. Insgesamt fest gewirkt, mit ein paar schönen Pölsterchen an den richtigen Stellen und runden, weichen, aber nachhaltigen Tanninen. Irgendwie ein crowdpleaser, aber aktuell passt hier einfach alles. Alles ist richtig dimensioniert, dicht und very sexy! Frisch & jung, mit schönem Schmelz und herrlicher Frucht. Es gibt viel zu entdecken in den Ecken und Winkeln dieses Weins. Vielleicht nicht der nobelste aller Spätburgunder, aber selbst ein Weinintellektueller wird sich dem Charme des Saumagens nicht entziehen können. Eine perfekte Spätburgunder-Praline, die irre lang am Gaumen haftet. Jetzt schon super zu trinken. 93-95 Punkte

2012 Brauneberger Klostergarten Spätburgunder*** – Molitor, Mosel (ca.€80,-)

Sehr tiefe Burgundernase, unglaublich klar und reintönig, gerade aus und doch äußerst vielschichtig, es benötigt viel Zeit im Glas, damit der Wein sich zu offenbaren beginnt. Es deutet sich erst langsam an, was in dem Wein steckt. Dieser Stoff ist für ein langes, genussvolles Leben bereitet und stellt die hohe Winzerskunst dar. Sehr pur und rein, mit viel innerer Vibration und sehr fein definierten Aromen, dunkelfruchtig, dunkle Sauerkirschen, blütige Anklänge. Die Tannine bilden Struktur, sind in ihrer Wahrnehmung aber sehr feinkörnig und weich. Wunderbarer Tropfen mit riesigem Zukunftsversprechen. 91-94 Punkte

schiller-wine: Related Postings (Berlin Cups)

Germany’s Best Ultra-premium Dry Riesling Wines - BerlinRieslingCup 2015, Germany
Germany’s Best Ultra-premium Dry Riesling Wines - BerlinRieslingCup 2014, Germany
Germany’s Best Ultra-premium Dry Riesling Wines - BerlinRieslingCup 2013, Germany
Germany’s Ultra Premium Dry Riesling Wines – The Berlin Riesling Cup 2012
Germany’s Top Wines – The Berlin Riesling Cup 2011 Ranking

Martin Zwick’s BerlinGutsrieslingCup 2015 - Rating Dry Entry-level Rieslings from Germany's Best Producers
Martin Zwick’s BerlinGutsrieslingCup 2014 - Rating Entry-level Rieslings from Germany's Best Producers
BerlinGutsrieslingCup 2013 – Rating Entry-level Rieslings from Germany
Berlin Gutsriesling Cup 2012, Germany

Martin Zwick's BerlinKabinettCup 2015: Germany's Best 2014 Riesling Kabinett Wines
Martin Zwick's BerlinKabinettCup 2014, Germany
BerlinKabinettCup 2013 - Kabinett 2012, Germany

Germany's Best Pinot Noir Wines - BerlinSpätburgunderCup 2012/2014
BerlinSpaetburgunderCup 2011/2013, Germany

Schiller-wine - Related Postings

Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Germany-South Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Bourgogne Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), France

Bordeaux Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), France

Germany’s Grosses Gewächs GG Wines Released (2014 White and 2013 Red) - Notes from the Pre-release Tasting in Wiesbaden, Germany

Wine Tasting at Weingut Bernhard Huber – Germany-South Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)

Frankfurt/Wein Celebrated with the German Wine Queen Nadine Poss and 5 Winemakers: Simone Adams, Weingut Simone Adams, Markus Berres, Weingut C.H. Berres, Stefan Braunewell, Weingut Braunewell, Carmen von Nell-Breuning, Dominikaner Weingut, and Stephan Attmann, Weingut von Winning

Vineyard Walk, Cellar Tour and Wine Tasting at Weingut Künstler – Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)

Visit: Winzerhof Thörle in Saulheim, Rheinhessen – Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)

Weingut Chat Sauvage – Bourgogne in the Middle of the Rheingau: Meeting Chat Sauvage’s Winemaker and General Manager Michael Staedter, Germany

Tasting and Tour with the Pinot Noir Legend Paul Fürst, Weingut Rudolf Fürst in Bürgstadt, Franken – Germany-East Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015) 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Wine Tasting at Weingut J.J. Adeneuer in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Ahr, with Marc Adeneuer - Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Picture: Annette Schiller and Marc Adeneuer, Weingut Adeneuer

The Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), organized and led by Annette Schiller, took place from September 6 – 12, 2015. The group was small - there were 7 of us, including Annette and Christian Schiller.

The tour took us to the Rheingau, Mittelrhein, Ahr, Mosel and Nahe. In the Ahr, we visited 2 producers: Adeneuer and Meyer Näkel.

This posting cover the visit of Weingut Adeneuer.

For a summary of the whole tour, see: Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), Germany

Marc Adeneuer was our host.

Picture: Weingut Adeneuer

The Ahr Region

With only 558 hectares the Ahr region is one of smaller of Germany's 13 regions. Despite its northern location (it is for example situated north of Mosel region) it primarily (almost 90%) produces red wines. It is believed that vines were cultivated in the Ahr valley already in Roman times, as is the case with nearby Mosel. The narrow Ahr river valley is responsible for the region's favored mesoclimate.

Picture: Welcome

Situated between 50° and 51° north, Ahr is the world's most northern region dominated by red wine grapes. So far north, very good sites with a warm microclimate are needed to properly ripen red wine grapes, and the Ahr vineyards are said to have a "Mediterranean" microclimate. Most vineyards are located on terraced slopes facing southwest to southeast along the middle and lower portions of river Ahr, over a stretch of 25 kilometers.

Spätburgunder is the dominant grape variety of the Ahr wine region.

Weingut J.J. Adeneuer

Weingut J.J. Adeneuer in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler in the Ahr Valley is a family-owned winery with 500 years of history. In 1984, the brothers Frank and Marc took over the operation from their aunt. Frank is the winemaker and Marc is the administrator/sales man.

The vineyards total 9 hectares: Rosenthal (Ahrweiler), Burggarten and Landskrone (Heimersheim), Schieferlay and Sonnenberg (Neuenahr), as well as Domlay and Gärkammer (Walporzheim).

Picture: Frank and Marc Adeneuer, Weingut Adeneuer

Spätburgunder accounts for 80 percent of the wine portfolio. In retrospect, it was the right decision for the brothers Frank and Marc Adeneuer to concentrate on Spätburgunder. They say: "At the end of the day, Pinot Noir is always good for a surprise and therefore, it requires more attention."

They are the sole owners of the renowned, spectacular site Walporzheimer Gärkammer, between Kräuterberg and Pfaffenberg. It is one of the smallest single vineyards in Germany. The Adeneuer family acquired the vineyard in 1714.

Pictures: Tasting at Weingut Adeneuer with Mark Adeneuer

The wines are individually produced in oak casks and kept strictly separated according to grape variety and site. The wines are made in big old barrels, with the exception of some of the top cuvees which see new oak. The latter are the #1 wines. The top wines age for 18 to 24 months in new oak. For the Adeneuer brothers, terroir is not just a trendy word, but rather "the soul of our wines."

Weingut Adeneuer has 4 (of 5) grapes in the Gault and Millau WeinGuide Deutschland and 3,5 (of 5) stars in the Eichelmann.


Mark Adeneuer: Vintage 2014 as very difficult and a lot of sorting was needed. The results are very interesting. Vintage 2013 was good, it was not too warm. The wines have good structure and acidity. Fruit and tannins are very well balanced.

2014 Weingut Adeneuer Weissburgunder Trocken
2014 Weingut Adeneuer Blanc de Noir Spätburgunder Trocken
2014 Weingut Adeneuer Spätburgunder Weissherbst Trocken  

2014 Weingut Adeneuer Ahrweiler Spätburgunder
2014 Weingut Adeneuer J.J. Adeneuer #2 Spätburgunder
2012 Weingut Adeneuer J.J. Adeneuer #1 Spätburgunder
2013 Weingut Adeneuer J.J. Adeneuer #1 Spätburgunder
2014 Weingut Adeneuer Spätburgunder

2013 Weingut Adeneuer Sonnenberg Frühburgunder VDP.Grosses Gewächs
2013 Weingut Adeneuer Rosenthal Spätburgunder VDP.Grosses Gewächs
2013 Weingut Adeneuer Gärkammer Spätburgunder VDP.Grosses Gewächs

2008 Weingut Adeneuer Ahrweiler Rosenthal Spätburgunder


Thank you very much Marc for a great tasting.

Picture: Marc Adeneuer

Hotel Ännchen in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler

After the tasting, we checked in at Hotel Ännchen in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, a 3 star family run hotel within the medieval town walls in Ahrweiler on the pedestrian precinct.

We had dinner in the medieval Old Town and tried some more fine Ahr wines.

Picture: Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler

Postings on the Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015) (Posted and Forthcoming)

4 Wine Tours by ombiasy coming up in 2015: Germany-East, Germany-South. Germany-Nord and Bordeaux

Fall Tours by ombiasy WineTours 2015 - A Very Special Treat: Experience Harvest Time !

Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015), Germany

Tour and Tasting at Weingut Baron Knyphausen in Erbach, Rheingau - Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Wine and Music at Eberbach Abbey in the Rheingau - Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Tour and Wine Tasting with Lunch, with Mark Barth at Wein- und Sektgut Barth in Hattenheim, Rheingau – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Tour and Tasting at Weingut Spreitzer in Oestrich, Rheingau, with Bernd Spreitzer – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Wine Tasting at Weingut Toni Jost in Bacharach, Mittelrhein, with Cecilia Jost – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Cruise on the Rhein River in the Mittelrhein Valley, an UNESCO World Heritage Region – Germany-North Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Wine Tasting at Weingut J.J.Adeneuer in Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler, Ahr

Vineyard Walk and Tasting at Weingut Meyer-Näkel in Dernau, Ahr

Wine Tasting at Weingut Dr. Loosen in Bernkastel-Kues, Mosel

Wine Tasting at Weingut St. Urbans-Hof in Leiwen, Mosel

Vineyard Tour, Tasting and Lunch at Weingut Van Volxem in Wiltingen, Saar, Mosel

Wine Tasting at Weingut Hexamer, in Monzingen, Nahe

Tour and Tasting at Weingut Gut Hermannsberg, in Niederhausen, Nahe

Tour and Wine Dinner at Weingut Kruger-Rumpf in Münster-Sarmsheim, Nahe

Tour and Tasting at Sektmanufaktur Bardong in Geisenheim, Rheingau

Tour, Tasting and Lunch at Domaine Schloss Johannisberg in Geisenheim, Rheingau  

Saturday, November 28, 2015

An Evening with the Richard Böcking Estate on the Mosel, Germany

Picture: Denman Zirkle and Sigrid Zirkle Carroll at the GWS (Washington DC Chapter)

By Carl Willner

(This is a guest posting by Carl Willner, President, German Wine Society, Washington D.C. Chapter)

On the evening of November 20, 2015, the Capital Chapter of the German Wine Society in Washington, D.C. had the pleasure of hosting representatives of Weingut Richard Böcking at Harbour Square, and tasting a broad selection of ten wines from their portfolio. Owner and Managing Partner W. Denman Zirkle, and his daughter Sigrid Zirkle Carroll, Director of North American Marketing, presented the wines, aided by Ann Sweeney Zirkle, Denman’s wife. This was a very enjoyable as well as educational event, and well attended with 46 members and guests. Mr. Zirkle commented afterward on how knowledgeable and interested the members of the German Wine Society were. I had met Mr. Zirkle and his wife at Christian Schiller’s Summer of Riesling event in August 2015 (see: Annual Riesling Party at the Schiller Residence in Washington DC, USA 2015), and as President of the Capital Chapter of the GWS, quickly invited them to organize a tasting event for our group. About half of the wines were obtained from distributors in the Northern Virginia/Washington D.C. area, while the rest were brought directly from the estate in Germany for the event.

The Richard Böcking estate, located in Traben-Trarbach along one of the great loops of the Mittelmosel, is one of the most ancient in the region, with a history dating back to 1623-24. It consists of five vineyards (einzellagen), the Burgberg, Schlossberg, Ungsberg, Hühnerberg, and Taubenhaus, the first four of which have traditionally been considered Grand Cru sites, with the steep slate slopes characteristic of the Mosel. Notably, the vineyards do not front directly on the Mosel, but are in two side valleys leading into the Mosel, the Schottbachtal and Kautenbachtal, on the Trarbach side of the river. These valleys, like the Mosel itself, provide the warm climate and south or east facing slopes needed for creation of fine Rieslings. Cultivation of grapes here dates back to Roman times, and the Böcking family was once one of the wealthiest in the Mosel, serving as regional treasurers for the Prince of Palatinate-Zweibrücken. Indeed, their estate even hosted the famed poet von Goethe in 1792. The seat of the winery today is the 14th century stone Rittersaal (Knights’ Hall), the largest secular building from the Middle Ages remaining in the Mosel, originally built as a wine cellar for Grevenburg Castle. Recorded cultivation at the Ungsberg, the oldest of the vineyards with extremely steep slopes of grey, blue and brown slate mixed with quartz, dates back 400 years, and these vineyards were planted with 50% or more Riesling grapes well before this became characteristic of the entire Mosel.

Picture: Prussian Map

But at the beginning of the 20th century, after ten successful generations, the family began to decline, with the estate passing between various cousins, and some vineyards lost, though the family kept the Trarbach properties. In 2010 the Böcking family faced a decision whether to sell the remaining vineyards, or attempt to revive the estate. Fortunately, they chose the latter, and under the leadership of Mr. Zirkle, Baroness Leweke von Marschall and her cousin Sigrid Carroll, who are both descendants of the Böcking family, and winemaker Simon Trös, the estate has begun to recover. Learning the German wine culture and legal environment has posed a particular challenge for Mr. Zirkle, who is American, though connected to the Böcking family from his first marriage through his late wife Dagmar von Maltzahn. Ms. Carroll, born in Germany, was also raised and educated in the United States, though she worked in the family vineyards in Germany as a teenager, learning the winemaking business.

Pictures: Denman Zirkle and Sigrid Zirkle Carroll at the GWS (Washington DC Chapter)

Since 2010, Weingut Richard Böcking has doubled its area under cultivation to 6 hectares (about 15 acres), and has plans to double this again. The estate produced its first new vintages in 2012, and at this event German Wine Society members and guests were able to sample wines from three different years. During the tasting, Denman Zirkle and Sigrid Carroll explained their estate’s philosophy of relying on ungrafted old vines (alte reben), over 40 years in age, in most of the vineyards. The Böcking properties are planted overwhelmingly with Riesling, though some have 10% Spätburgunder (Pinot Noir). Almost all the wines we had during the tasting were Rieslings, with one Pinot Blanc (Weissburgunder).

For most of the wines the Böcking estate produces, the goal is expressed by a German term, “geschmacklich trocken”, referring to wines that are in the range of dry (trocken) to half-dry (halbtrocken or feinherb). This is very consistent with the current trends and tastes among German consumers today, and about 60% of the estate’s production is consumed in Germany, with 40% exported. U.S. distributors for these wines are found in the New York/New Jersey area, the Northern Virginia/Washington, D.C. area, and Montana, where Sigrid Carroll resides. The Böcking estate does, however, produce some wines that have more of the sweeter Riesling style and prädikat classifications, under their “M” label. We tried two of these during the tasting, a Kabinett and a Spätlese, and were interested to learn that the estate has now produced some Auslese as well and has been working on a Beerenauslese. Though we have diverse tastes in the German Wine Society, I had warned Mr Zirkle, as he noted during the tasting, that many of our members prefer the sweeter wines (which we think of as traditional now, though that is not necessarily true going further back in German wine history). But he, like the knight RichHeart that he uses as a symbol for some of his wines, bravely ventured into the lion’s den of sweet wine lovers, and was able to give us a very pleasant evening that nonetheless reflected the modern direction in German wines.

Our first flight of wines consisted of two young wines under the RichHeart label, the 2014 RichHeart Pinot Blanc (Weissburgunder) and 2014 RichHeart Riesling, both bottled in the spring of 2015. These have some of the most attractive labels I have seen in decades of enjoying German wines, with paintings of the Traben-Trarbach area on the Mosel. The RichHeart wines, Mr. Zirkle explained, are not produced using grapes from the estate’s own traditional steep slope vineyards, but use grapes from other producers in the Middle Mosel. This has allowed the estate to expand its production considerably, with 10,000 bottles being produced in 2014 under the RichHeart label, while a total of 14,000 were produced from the various vineyards of the estate, limited by weather conditions in the Mosel. These dry to off-dry wines are fresh and fruity, though uncomplicated, with apple and pear aromas in the Weissburgunder.

Pictures: 2014 RichHeart Pinot Blanc (Weissburgunder) and 2014 RichHeart Riesling

Next, we tried two wines the estate produces under the Devon name, a 2013 Devon Riesling and a 2014 Devon Riesling. The Devon name refers to the Devonian-era soil of the vineyards, and these wines are produced mostly from grapes cultivated in the estate’s Trarbacher Traubenhaus vineyards, though some of the grapes come from the estate’s Grand Cru vineyards. These are considered entry-level wines by the Böcking estate, with less complexity than the Grand Cru wines. The success of the first 2012 production of these wines, which was sold out by 2014, confirmed the estate’s decision to focus on light, drier Rieslings. There were noticeable differences between the 2013 and 2014 Devon wines in our tasting, though both could be paired well with holiday dinners. The 2013 Devon Riesling, bottled in May 2014, is described as having animating acidity, fine minerality and hints of green herbs, and has 10.5% residual alcohol, with 9 g/l of residual sugar. These wines are recommended to drink young.

Pictures: 2013 Devon Riesling and a 2014 Devon Riesling

Now we progressed to the various Alte Reben wines produced by the top Grand Cru vineyards of the Böcking estate. These next two flights were separated by year, with the first two wines 2012s, and the next two 2014s, giving us an opportunity to see how the wines mature, as well as to experience three different estate vineyards, the Ungsberg, the Burgberg, and the Schlossberg. The first Alte Reben flight included at 2012 Trarbacher Burgberg Alte Reben Riesling, and a 2012 Trarbacher Ungsberg Alte Reben Riesling. The second Alte Reben flight consisted of a 2014 Trarbacher Ungsberg Alte Reben Riesling, and a 2014 Trarbacher Schlossberg Alte Reben Riesling. The 2012 Ungsberg, a good representative of these wines selling at $35/bottle, has 12% alcohol and 10.8 g/l residual sugar, and was harvested in November 2012 after the first frost and bottled in July 2013. Those looking for these wines in the United States should note that the Alte Reben designation may not appear on the label here, as some local distributors prefer not to have it, though it is always found on these wines when sold in the E.U. All of these wines appear to have ageing potential.

The Ungsberg is perhaps the finest Grand Cru vineyard of the Böcking estate, with vines over 40 years old, producing Rieslings with a notable spiciness as well as minerality, yellow fruit aromas and delicate acidity from its mixed slate soil and very steep slopes in the Kautenbachtal. Notes of camomile and saffron can be detected. Indeed, the name of the vineyard, though of uncertain origin, harks back to the Roman-Celtic period and the healing and salve herbs growing on the slopes here. The Burgberg, lying directly below the medieval Grevenburg Castle in Trarbach, also is among the best vineyard sites in the estate, characterized by blue and gray slate as well as quartz, with ungrafted Riesling vines over 75 years old, allowing for very complex wines to be produced. Finally, the steep Schlossberg high above Trarbach, likewise characterized by blue and grey brittle slate and quartz, adjoins the Burgberg and has some of the most ancient vines in the estate, over 80 years old. An old Roman road, still intact, runs through this vineyard, attesting to the long importance this wine-growing area has had.

Pictures: Alte Reben Rieslings

Finally we came to the estate’s prädikat wines, sampling a 2012 “M” Trarbacher Burgberg Kabinett Riesling, and a 2013 “M” Trarbacher Burgberg Spätlese Riesling. The “M” is a tribute to Baroness Leweke von Marschall, who has played a leading role in reawakening this slumbering estate. The “M” wines are notably sweeter than the others, fruity and late-harvested, the 2012 displaying tastes of citrus fruits such as oranges and mandarins. The Kabinett, bottled in July 2013, has only 9% alcohol, with 90 g/l of residual sugar, while the Spätlese, bottled in August 2014, has 11% alcohol and only 37 g/l of residual sugar. Both of these wines have extended ageing potential, and in discussing them with Mr. Zirkle, he acknowledged that the estate might do better to let them mature even further before serving at tastings like this to show their full potential, though I thought that the Kabinett at least was showing a good deal of its potential already. It is intense, with upfront fruit and notes of honey and citrus, and distinct minerality. Indeed, the Kabinett was my favorite wine of the evening (I confess to falling more in the sweet wines camp), as it was for a number of others at the event, and we were not the only ones who liked it. This wine was distinguished at the January 2015 SAKURA competition in Japan with the prized “Double Gold” award, the only German wine there to win the highest distinction, and yet is surprisingly reasonable in price at $25/bottle. Evidently, whatever the direction of wine tastes in Germany, there is still a welcome home for such well-produced sweeter Rieslings in the Far East and in America.

Pictures: M Rieslings

During the tasting, Mr. Zirkle was asked about the voluntary organization of top German wine growers, the VDP. He explained that membership in the VPD is by invitation. The Böcking estate, with only three years of production under its current management, has not yet been invited to join, though he hoped that it would be. Based on our wonderful evening with the wines of this estate, I thought that the estate’s prospects looked bright, and also hope that they will earn the invitation to VDP membership. The Böcking name is coming to be known again in the world of German wines!

Pictures: Denman Zirkle, Sigrid Zirkle Carroll and Ann Sweeney Zirkle

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Friday, November 27, 2015

Schiller’s Favorites: 2 Legendary Wine Taverns in Würzburg – Juliusspital and Bürgerspital

Picture: Alte Mainbrücke, Würzburg

Würzburg in Franken boasts 3 legendary wineries, Juliuspital, Bürgerspital and Staatlicher Hofkeller, with a long and most interesting history. They are also rather large (by German standards). Two of the three, Juliusspital and Bürgerspital, also house iconic wine taverns. While the third, Staatlicher Hofkeller, also has a wine tavern, but it lacks the specialness that the other two display.

The posting focuses on the Bürgerspital and the Juliusspital; it also includes a few other interesting wine places in Würzburg.

Bürgerspital and Juliusspital

Spital is an archaic term formerly used to mean “hospital” in German and makes up part of the name of the other two big Würzburg wine estates. The Bürgerspital and the Juliusspital were both once hospitals. One of them, the Juliusspital, is still one today. Funding for the hospitals came from wine produced from donated vineyards.

On the 23rd of June, in the year 1319, Johann von Steren established the Bürgerspital zum Heilige Geist to care for the sick and needy citizens of Würzburg. At the same time, he designated certain of his vineyards to provide the necessary financial support.

A couple of centuries later, Prince Bishop Julius Echter followed suit and founded the Juliusspital with the same general goals in mind and a similar motivation: to acquire divine salvation through the mortal and the eternal through the transient.

Today these two institutions are among the oldest and largest wine estates in Germany, with 140 and 170 hectares respectively, and still provide the major source of income for their charities.

Pictures: Annette and Christian Schiller at Alte Mainbrücke, Würzburg


This city of 130,000, nestled among vineyards along the river banks, is arguably the finest of Germany's Baroque and Rococo towns. Its history dates from the 8th century, when Frankish dukes, converted to Christianity by Irish missionary monks, laid the foundations of massive Marienberg Fortress on the crest of the highest of Würzburg's many terraced and vine-covered hills. One of the oldest churches in the country, the Marienkirche, consecrated in 706, still stands in that castle's courtyard.

From the Middle Ages until 1802, when Napoleon reshaped the map of Europe, imposed secularization and ceded the city to the newly created Kingdom of Bavaria, Würzburg was a rich, influential and virtually independent prince-bishopric whose rulers enjoyed both ecclesiastical and worldly powers. Most important though, nearly all those prince-bishops were connoisseurs and patrons of the arts. Their sponsorship and commissions attracted great artists and architects, who made the city the major cultural center that it is today.

Thus it was Würzburg where the painter Matthias Grünewald was born and did some of his earliest work as an apprentice to local masters. In 1483, during the reign of Prince-Bishop Rudolf von Scherenberg, Tilman Riemenschneider, the greatest of the Renaissance woodcarvers and sculptors, settled and established his studio in Würzburg, ultimately becoming the city's burgomaster. His work is omnipresent in Würzburg churches and in those of nearby towns and villages.

Two other prince-bishops hired Balthasar Neumann, Germany's preeminent Baroque architect, to build the Residenz, their diocesal palace, and commissioned Venetian artist Giovanni Battista Tiepolo to decorate it with Rococo ceiling and wall frescoes.

To be sure, a great deal of what you see in Würzburg today is not what you think it is or what it purports to be, for much of what looks old is relatively new. Most of the city's architectural heritage was destroyed in a single World War II air raid in March 1945. But visitors today will hardly notice, for many beautiful churches, graceful bridges, ornate patrician houses and splendid hospices were rebuilt.

The Würzburg Residenz

Würzburg's most dazzling piece of architecture, and the one for which it is on UNESCO's list, is the Residenz, the palace of the prince-bishops, one of the largest and most richly decorated chateaus in all Europe. Its sponsor was Johann Philip von Schönborn, who was elected prince-bishop in 1719. The Residenz’ mind-boggling centerpiece is the grand staircase, capped by Tiepolo's 7,000-square-foot ceiling fresco. The vaulted ceiling is more than 17 feet high and is entirely unsupported by pillars.

Pictures: Würzburg Residenz

Staatlicher Hofkeller Würzburg

Once you have traversed the rooms and parlors of the Residenz, be certain to visit the Staatliche Hofkellerei Würzburg. The extensive and labyrinthine wine cellars stretch out deep below the building.

The Staatliche Hofkeller Würzburg is one of Germany’s largest wine estates. Founded in 1128, it is also one of the oldest. Initially, it was owned by the Prince-Bishops of Würzburg. From 1814 onwards, after the Vienna Congress, the Kingdom of Bavaria was the owner under the name Königlich Bayerischer Hofkeller (royal Bavarian state cellar), with an interlude from 1806 to 1814, when it was owned by Grand Duke Ferdinand of Tuscany.

After the revolution of 1918, the Kingdom of Bavaria became part of the Weimar Republic as the State of Bavaria and the State of Bavaria took over the Staatliche Hofkellerei Würzburg as the successor of the Kingdom of Bavaria.

Today, the vineyard area totals 120 hectares. These holdings are spread over many communes.

Pictures: Staatlicher Hofkeller, Würzburg


The first vineyards of the Bürgerspital were planted in the 1300s and served to supply the Bürgerspital’s own needs. It is reported that in 1598, the residents of the old people's home were provided with a tankard - 1.22 litres - of wine. Today, the vineyard area of Weingut Bürgerspital totals 120 hectares, of which about 80 hectares are located in Würzburg.

Sites: Würzburger Stein, Würzburger Stein-Harfe, Würzburger Innere Leiste, Würzburger Pfaffenberg, Würzburger Abtsleite, Randersackerer Teufelskeller, Randersackerer Pfülben, Randersackerer Marsberg, Veitshöchheimer Sonnenschein.

Picture: Würzburger Stein

In Bürgerspital's old "Pfründner" cellar, there are modern stainless-steel tanks where the wines ferment temperature-controlled. In the adjacent vaults is one of Germany's biggest wooden barrel cellars: 200 valuable oak barrels, some of them adorned with precious carvings were used for cultivating wine hundreds of years ago. There is space for four annual harvests in the cellars.

The iconic Bürgerspital tavern -- with its 10 rustically furnished rooms and a retail store -- is in a wing of this institution. The food is regional and the wines are those of Weingut Bürgerspital. The last time I ate their I had steak tartare.

Pictures: Bürgerspital


Weingut Juliusspital is Germany’s second largest winery with 177 hectares under vines.

At the center of the Juliusspital Foundation are a hospital, an assisted living home for elderly people and a hospice. This has been so for more than 400 years. Today, the buildings of the Juliusspital Foundation comprise many modern buildings but also very impressive and well maintained historical buildings.

As to the latter, the Fürstenbau, a palatial building, designed by the architect Antonio Petrini built in the Barock style with its historical cellar vaults, its garden pavilion and the fountain statues of Jacob van der Auvera, make the Juliusspital a unique monument of art and culture at the heart of the city of Würzburg. The historical cellars, which we had the opportunity to visit, with the old traditional wooden casks, are still in use for fermentation and aging.

Since its establishment, the profits of the Weingut Juliusspital have contributed to the financing of the social services of the Juliusspital Foundation. In addition to the vineyard land, the Juliusspital Foundation also owns farm land and forests.

The iconic Juliusspital tavern is part of the Juliusspital complex. It is large. The food is similar to the food at the Bürgerspital tavern. The wines are those of Weingut Bürgerspital. The last time I ate their I had “Nürnberger Bratwürste”.

Tour and Tasting at the Historic Weingut Juliusspital in Würzburg, Franken – Germany-North Wine Tour by ombiasy (2014)

Pictures: Juliusspital

Other Wine Taverns and Places

You will not find a wine estate at the Alte Mainbrücke, a stunning 500-year-old stone bridge, but you will find—especially on a sunny day—hundreds of wine drinkers. The bridge crosses the River Main and motor traffic is banned. It has become quite common for the Würzburg citizens, as well as visitors, to stroll across bridge, relax against one of its balustrades, sip a glass of wine and enjoy the amazing view.

On the left bank, you will see the imposing fortress—Festung Marienberg—standing guard over the city from and the Käppele, a beautiful baroque chapel. Along the steep banks of the Main, you can make out the Würzburger Stein. Where do you get your wine?

Pictures: Alte Mainbrücke and Festung Marienberg, Würzburg

Weinbistro Mainwein on the Alte Mainbrücke is an outlet of the GWF co-operative (Winzergemeinschaft Franken). The GWF has 2270 members. The vineyard area totals 1321 hectares. You can purchase wine by the bottle or by the glass.

Alte Mainmühle: Although this is also a nice restaurant, where it is necessary to make a reservation, you can have a snack and wine for takeout at the bar.

Weinhaus Stachel is the oldest restaurant of Würzburg and it’s got a lovely romantic inner courtyard where you can dine on warm evenings. Today a nice restaurant, Weinhaus Stachel once was the conspirative venue of the knights in the German Peasants’ War in the early 16th century. The mace hanging outside the door is referring to this history of the tavern. Gressengasse 1

The Würzburger Ratskeller is located in the Würzburg city hall. It has seventeen different rooms - one is in the old house chapel and another was once the city dungeon. There is also a beautiful inner courtyard where you can dine next to the fountain. Langgasse 1

Reisers am Stein is part of Weingut am Stein Ludwig Knoll, right in the middle of the Würzburger Stein, the biggest single vineyard in Franconia. Along with the Staatliche Hofkeller, the Bürgerspital and the Juliusspital, Weingut am Stein Ludwig Knoll owns parcels of the Würzburger Stein.

Visit and Tasting at Weingut Am Stein Ludwig Knoll in Würzburg, Franken - Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Pictures: Reisers am Stein, Würzburg

The restaurant and wine bar of Weingut am Stein Ludwig Knoll are leased out to Chef Bernhard Reiser, who cooks there at the highest level. Reisers is a one-star Michelin Restaurant and the wine bar was included by Geroldsteiner in a list of the 18 best wine places in Germany. The wines offered are of course Weingut Am Stein Ludwig Knoll wines, but also other top wines. Mittlerer Steinbergweg 5

Schiller’ Favorites

Here is a complete list of Schiller's Favorites:



Schiller’s Favorites: 2 Legendary Wine Taverns in Würzburg – Juliusspital and Bürgerspital
Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars and Wine Taverns in Freiburg, Baden, Germany
Schiller's Favorites: Frankfurt Apple Wine Taverns that Make their own Apple Wine
Schiller's Favorite Winemakers in Sachsen (Saxony), Germany
Schiller’s Favorite Winemakers in the Saale-Unstrut Region, Germany
Schiller’s Favorite Wine Taverns in Trier, Germany
Schiller's Favorite (Wine-) Restaurants in Deidesheim in the Pfalz, Germany
Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Schiller's Favorite Wine Bars in Berlin, Germany
Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in Frankfurt am Main, 2013, Germany
Schiller's Favorite Apple Wine Taverns in Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Schiller’s Favorite Wine Taverns in Mainz, Germany


Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in Beaune, Bourgogne, France
Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in Bordeaux City, France
Schiller’s Favorite Restaurants, Brasseries, Bistros, Cafes and Wine Bars in Paris, France
Schiller's Favorite Seafood Places in Bordeaux City, France
Schiller's Favorite Wine Bars in Bordeaux City, France, 2014
Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in St. Emilion, France
Schiller’s Favorite Restaurants, Brasseries, Bistros, Cafes and Wine Bars in Paris, 2012 France
Schiller's Favorite Wine Bars in Bordeaux (City) (2012), France

UK, Spain, Austria, Hungary

Schiller's Favorite Winebars in London, UK
Schiller’s Favorite Tapas Bars in Logroño in La Rioja, Spain
Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in London, 2012, UK
Schiller's Favorite Wine Bars and Other Wine Spots in Vienna, Austria
Schiller's Favorite Wine Bars in Budapest, Hungary
Schiller’s Favorite Spots to Drink Wine in Vienna, Austria (2011)


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Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in New York City, USA
Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in Seattle, USA
Schiller's Favorite Wine Bars in Washington DC, USA
Schiller’s Favorite Crab Houses in the Washington DC Region, USA
Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in New York City, 2012, USA
Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in San Francisco, USA
Schiller's Favorite Wine Bars and Other Places Where You Can Have a Glass of Wine in Healdsburg, California


Schiller’s Favorite Wine Bars in Singapore
Schiller s Favorite Winebars in Beijing, 2014, China


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Schiller’s 12 Favorite Restaurants of Antananarivo, the Capital of Madagascar

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Preview: Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

The Art Marketer: OMBIASY PR & WINE TOURS - Germany-East

Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Tasting at Weingut Lützkendorf with Uwe Lützkendorf – Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Weingut Pawis (Saale Unstrut): Estate Tour and Wine Tasting with Markus Pawis – Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Weingut Thürkind in Gröst, Saale-Unstrut: Tour, Tasting and Lunch – Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Schiller's Favorite Winemakers in the Saale Unstrut Region, Germany

Weingut Schloss Proschwitz, Prinz zur Lippe, in Zadel, Sachsen: Tour and Tasting with Prinz zur Lippe – Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Dining with Prinz zur Lippe, Owner of Weingut Schloss Proschwitz, at the Lippe’sches Gutshaus - Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Weingut Karl Friedrich Aust in Radebeul, Sachsen: Tour and Lunch with Tasting – Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Visit of Weingut Klaus Zimmerling: The Wines of Klaus Zimmerling and the Art of his Wife Malgorzata Chodakoska - Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Schiller's Favorite Winemakers in Sachsen (Saxony), Germany

Tour and Tasting at Weingut Wirsching in Iphofen in Franken with General Manager Uwe Matheus – Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Visit and Tasting at Weingut Am Stein Ludwig Knoll in Würzburg, Franken - Germany-East Wine and Art Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Tasting and Tour with the Pinot Noir Legend Paul Fürst, Weingut Rudolf Fürst in Bürgstadt, Franken – Germany-East Tour by ombiasy WineTours (2015)

Würzburg and its 2 Historic Wine Taverns: Juliusspital and Bürgerspital

Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Graf Neipperg in Schwaigern, Württemberg

Tasting at Weingut Dautel in Württemberg with Christian Dautel

Wine Pairing Dinner at Restaurant Friedrich von Schiller in Bietigheim-Bissingen in Württemberg

Cellar Tour and Tasting at Weingut Herzog von Württemberg at Schloss Monrepos with Owner F.R.H. Carl Duke of Württemberg

Vineyard Tour, Cellar Tour and Tasting with Rainer Schnaitmann at Weingut Rainer Schnaitmann in Fellbach, Württemberg

Wine Tasting at Weingut Simon-Bürkle in Zwingenberg, Hessische Bergstrasse